
You can use a green laser to tell, everybody likes lasers. A green laser should appear red or orange as it passes through extra virgin olive oil. If it stays green, it isn't the good stuff.

To add, Omega-3 means the hens were fed what’s left of the fish after the oil is extracted for fish oil supplements, so don’t bother trying to find vegetarian Omega-3 eggs.

I usually ignore organic, avoid vegetarian (chickens are supposed to eat bugs!) and look for pasture-raised. Especially if they have a little paragraph somewhere on the box talking about what that means, like how much the hens enjoy pecking around in the sunshine.

You’re right. “Mushed” isn’t the sexiest word for food, but in this case it’s delicious. If you dip some semi crunchy naan into the curry, it’s a goddamn delight. You gotta get into Indian food. Some exciting flavors.

It’s great all mushed in Baigan Bartha if you like Indian food.

Glad you are back! 

Oh, fuck off.

APEX predator FTW!!!

What the hell is wrong with LH for publishing a headline like this? Total clickbait. There are SO many cats that need homes, why contribute to these untrue stereotypes, even when there’s some good advice in the rest of the article?

Cats are loving, affectionate, AND needy of both human and feline companionship

I also believe that the personalities of cats mirror their surroundings. I’ve never had an obnoxious cat. People have asked me what I did to have such chill cats and I never quite knew how to respond. At some point it became clear that disagreeable cats likely had good reason for their behavior.

I wouldn’t say that cats are actively evil so much as they lay down the law with selfish, lazy, busy body humans from the get go. Have some respect and learn to know their cues and they are simply the best.

who wrote this -- a dog? it’s anti-cat propaganda, it is.

i find most gift lists leave something to be desired, or are thinly-veiled cross-marketing advertorials. this one, however, is a great list. thank you!

You and I have very different definitions of simple, I think. 

Got a strong feeling here the “colonial narrative” has never called anyone “latinx.” 

Couldn’t agree more with Bardem on the casting controversy.  Glad he said that.

 Oh Heil no. That isn’t her real last name is it??

A horrifying example of carnivorous appropriation.  I’m deeply offended.  I enjoy a nice crudites platter as much as the next guy, but don’t call it charcuterie and expect me not to be offended.

Why not Crudites? (with that thing over the e)

This looks delicious, but it’s not a GD charcuterie board. Words have meaning. This is crudite and a relish tray.