
Slow clap for both the headline choices.

Luckily, I ate the entire batch, for science, of course, and I can report that it doesn’t cut the roof of your mouth.

I’m a master of lazy exercise.  I ran a marathon yesterday while asleep on the couch!

Passive activity is pretty much the key to long term fitness. If you can add fitness to your daily life even in small ways you’ve moved further towards a fitness goal then you know.

Go to hell, I don’t want dogs pooping on my relative’s graves.

I don’t consider it inappropriate. What I DO consider inappropriate is the A-holes that live across the street from the cemetery I caught letting their dogs out to do their business there (you know who you are).

Yeah, it can cause issues, from the amount of humidity. And if you overboil you get maple sugar instead. But hey! Maple sugar!

We have friends who tap their maple every year. Even in the rich people neighbourhood, you’ll see people with tapped maples.

start it when you see tips in your neighborhood. This is different, everywhere. Sometimes, we get a fall boost of tips (I did!), sometimes early winter, spring, etc. Depends on the year. 

true. I prefer to leave it as a live ferment for this reason. 

Heat begins to destroy vitamin C at relatively low temperatures, but it takes time to do so, so don’t simmer it for too long if you care about your cocktail mixer having some healthful properties.

Counterpoint: Decent LEDs look better. LED’s are inherently point source light, which makes them brighter and more distinct.

It’s the same with standard LED bulbs. Save money! Lasts 12 years! Stops working within 3! You didn’t save squat! We should be always trying to move to the most efficient product but he average consumer will always go with the 80% cheaper at purchase option.

They absolutely do not last longer. I’ve returned at least 15 strands of outdoor leds back to the store for dying in the last 10 years. I put up 24 strands every year and at least one of them dies. I never expected to have this problem and assumed that i’d be able to go a decade without buying more. But that certainly

Really? Have you driven by any houses that do all blue lights? This is the opinion of someone who has had upwards of 2500 bulbs on our house, the fence out to the garage, and every tree in our front yard.  LED bulbs have the worse colors, and no one know why.

so no criticism of the freeloader? their unethical, parasitic behavior is a-ok with you? 

Knowing the financial situation of someone renting your property sounds creepy to you?  Sounds like you dont know shit about being a landlord.

Ghoulish glee? Lol kindly piss all the way off. You misjudged my ability to be a reasonable investor and cant take the L? I am extremely unhappy I have to now go through this legal process. The tenant had the full ability to pay this entire time and did not.  He is not someone to be sympathetic about.  No job loss, no

That’s not a fair statement. Imagine investing in the stock market and then the rules get changed causing you to lose money. Landlords understand the rules of the game which include the ability to evict non-paying tenants. During this pandemic the rules have been changed with no warning, and landlords are stuck

Our tenant decided vacations during a pandemic and buying a new truck was more important than paying rent since April 2020.  Hasnt lost his job or anything, just livin’ life.  I know where I’ll be 12:01am on October 1st.