I mean not to mention attempted murder for trying to fatally poison employees. Oh to be a shitty white man in this country.
I mean not to mention attempted murder for trying to fatally poison employees. Oh to be a shitty white man in this country.
Wallace’s “drilling holes into the tanks of sodium cyanide, hydrochloric acid, yellow chromate, ferrous chloride, and sulfuric acid risked a potential environmental disaster,”
A name suitable for my own flummoxed state. but pobody’s nerfect, etc. i hope you enjoy it! <3
We have a designated garlic and onion cutting board. It’s fun cutting apples on it when you’re using them in a savory dish.
Or honestly even just frozen or other prepared food from the supermarket will at least save you money if nothing else. And may not be any less healthy depending on where you were ordering from versus what you get from the supermarket. Even from a pure laziness POV dealing with one grocery delivery every week or two…
When in doubt, go with Rammstein.
That was my thought too. Weird that they present him like he’s a household name.
If you really, truly appreciate your local restaurants and you want to save money, the best thing you can do is avoid third-party apps like UberEats and Doordash altogether. That’s the truth. If it is at all possible for you to order directly from the restaurant and pick up your own food, please do that. I’m not sure…
You’re cancelled.
Rhye’s Michael Milosh
My favorite travel hack is when I learned you could ask European hotels to receive packages for you in advance of your arrival.
Yes! It’s important to have many knives for many occasions!
I’ve carried a Leatherman Micra in my pocket for probably 20 years, and it’s more massively useful than a towel. I use this thing multiple times every single day. I don’t know what I did back before I carried it. It’s, like, my fourth one, though. I’ve lost at least one each to security at airports and Six Flags when…
Aw thanks :)
I think in moderation, they’re fine. A swipe of canola oil in the pan to sear a steak every once in a while or a teaspoon or two on vegetables isn’t going to make that big of a difference, but yes, if you’re deep frying once a week or making a TON of salad dressings, it’s not a bad idea to choose a healthier oil.
Vegetable oils might be the top cause of the current obesity epidemic
Yes lol
So the four year old bag of pastry flour is something I should probably toss, and not make that upcoming batch of cupcakes for daughter’s birthday in two weeks? eeeoooughhhkayyyyyy....
The main part of the refrigerator is pretty dry. The crisper will be more humid because the vegetables you keep there release humidity. That’s the whole idea behind a small, self contained area like that. The vegetables get to create and retain their own humid environment and that gets isolated from everything else.
I live in the tropics. Even if bugs don’t get to flour left on the shelf, it goes rancid very quickly. Here, you learn to either not have a pantry and just buy small amounts, which is why you can only find flour in very small bags, or you buy a big fridge!