
Good lemons are truly amazing. Also, Google says Meyer lemons are in season Nov-Jan, which seems weird, but whatever.

I’m now wondering what actually constitutes a riff off of a recipe vs a whole new recipe. Is the recipe for mojitos rum, lime, and mint? If so, would a play on a mojito be rum, citrus, and an herb of

What about the three sea shell method? 

This is the same chain that discontinued the bacon cheddar.  My forgiveness has limits!  But it may be extended as I peruse the chocolate-peanut butter things.

A Meyer lemon-basil mojito sounds spectacular! Please experiment and report back with findings.

XOXO, fancypants

“A picnic without wine is just an outdoor meeting.” Truth. 

Thanks for the info.  I’ll be keeping my eyes out for this!

Why don’t you try that again, this time with just two ticks up on the politeness scale.

Is this reason enough to just start eating food with just you hands? Sounds like it is!

If you like meatloaf, it’s good cold as well. I like meatloaf sandwiches.

This is some kind of sorcery.

I’ve always hated the oven “hard boiled” eggs because they’ve peeled like crap the couple times I’ve tried them, so..........I guess I’m surprised these peel as well as they do.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Ever read Lifehacker... ON WEED?

If the scallops need to stand on their own, as in cooking at a high temperature in butter, trying to get that crust, then it’s dry pack only. I’ve never been able to get wet scallops to come out right. It’s worth the extra effort / money to get scallops that will work.

I’m a white lady. It’s not misogynistic. It’s fine. 

Don’t know what Tigger flags represent, but Pooh flags let travelers know that your house is a safe space they can come and walk around with no pants on.

It’s a Tigga flag with an A, not the hard ER.

Tigger, please.

Its centered on white women who flex their white privilege, please, let's unpack how using 'Karen' is destroying white women everywhere.

You know, I think it’s LONG overdue that we’ve had a talk about emergency baked goods... Not enough focus, or importance is placed on this topic.