
Those white women in prison probably weren’t sent there until their 8th serious offense.

This should come as no surprise, but the judge in the case of the black woman harshly sentenced was accused as a prosecutor of wrongfully convicting a woman of color:

Please leave these reprobates in the grays where they belong.  TY.  

It’s shit like this that makes my blood boil when I mention systemic racism and someone replies, “What systemic racism?”

After tilting my head, crossing my eyes, and generally mentally twisting myself into a pretzel, I managed to come up with a charitable excuse for the disparity between the two sentences - it was an attempt to help Ms Hopkins with her gambling addiction?
Look, it was all I could come up with - and I had to tilt my

Found the racist!

Another one that never gets old. They cannot send a white woman to prison. They will bend over backwards and make every excuse in the world. And when they absolutely must, then the creativity of mitigating factors goes to 12.

Gov’t: “50% EV target...
Internet comments: “The grid can’t handle that! Set realistic goals!”
Gov’t: “...which includes hybrids”
Internet comments: “This is just so you can claim 50%!

As a Swede I have a hard time understanding that people can not be in a union.

Also puts his workers in danger any chance he can get, whether he makes a buck from it or not, because he merely loves shitting on the lower-class.

I guess the username checks out after all?

Musk was also part of the Trump transition team, so yeah, there’s that”

Be civil.

There is no “UAW” in your comment, you are sounding very triggered about being correctly corrected 

“rude and needless comments to yourself, you little asshole.”

I just assumed it was because Elon is a walking PR nightmare, and can’t help but stir the pot with his comments about vaccines, unions, coups, crypto, or whatever the saveur du jour may be. And since Elon is pretty much Tesla’s PR department… well…

Biden won 57% of union households in 2020, double the Clinton margin in 2016, but you go ahead and tell yourself this if it makes you feel better

Being in a union worked out well for me and I’m very grateful. Being able to have a voice without repercussions is a good thing. However just like anything else there are bad apples. Solidarity forever.

Are you under the impression that you have to attend a Stones concert?

There’s a restaurant that serves a panna gelato with olive oil and sea salt  and it’s absolutely delicious. I’m not a big dessert/ice cream person but the olive oil and salt really bring it to another level. Pre-pandemic I’d always bring friends there and rave about the dessert and they were all blown away swearing