This is the only reasonable comment I’ve read here. Thank you for being a lynch pin of the Skillet community.
This is the only reasonable comment I’ve read here. Thank you for being a lynch pin of the Skillet community.
It’s called aspic and it’s a big part of both Southern US and Baltic cuisine
You’re all acting like salted caramel and olive oil cake aren’t completely normal and good things.
why would i talk to italians about this
Nonsense. If I say “remember to gas up your car and check your tire pressure” it’s not assumed that one could or should do these things at the exact same time. Just that both should be done. She shouldn’t have written “or” because she wants us to try both.
It was the Italians who came up with this! First time I had ice cream with vinegar was at a place in Italy where they make balsamic vinegar, it was very good!!!! (They put it on fior di latte ice cream)
I was being facetious, lol.
One burrito is way too big for a single meal
And if you try running and find you really don’t like it. That’s okay! Not everyone has to be a “runner”. There are tons of different ways to get physical activity. And the best for you are the ones you’ll actually do.
You can put the mustard on the same side as the mayo (either one). You still taste it just fine!
Like mayo, butter is a fat that will provide the same barrier to moisture that prevents sandwiches from getting soggy. Very different flavor profile, though.
I’m not sure Miracle Whip does the same thing, so that explains why butter was the go-to in your family to keep bread from getting soggy.
Mustard doesn’t provide a barrier to prevent bread from getting soggy, and, in fact, itself can make the bread soggy.
Up your sandwich game and put mayo on the bread, and then mustard on the mayo!
1. When they offer you a hit of their baby food you readily accept it. Hey all the cool babies are doing it.
As an enthusiastic promoter of PB & Salty/Spicy/Sour, I have gone to lengths that even intrepid Claire might find unsettling—although, if she likes PB & kimchi, I am guessing not.
Americans are idiots, please make mamba
There are so many applications, you will not regret it. Potato patties with gochujang and cheese are a favourite. And you can add an egg! I get a lot of mileage out of your air fryer egg suggestion.
You are incorrect
Fried kimchi, peanut butter, and red peppers are my favourite ingredients to put in pasta. Kimchi in general is delicious, of course.
Very nice. I see you were properly raised with a quality diet of the highest order :-)
I couldn’t possibly relate more with you. In México we put a chocolate called bubulubu in the freezer and it it frozen. The maker of Bubulubu (Ricolino) even advertise it like that as “Bubulubu congelado (frozen Bubulubu)“. They are DELICIOUS, especially when it is hot. If you ever would like to try the Mexican…