^♫Straight White Man♫
^♫Straight White Man♫
Funny story for me and putting weights on the bar. I played football in high school and college and weight lifted seriously into my 30s. I was going to a small gym which was in a small barn, privately owned of a friend of mine. They had a wall of records (bench, curl, squats, leg press, etc.) I had about 7 of the 20…
The Wachowskis outright ask audiences to question everything they’re being told on screen. They want us to disengage with Reloaded as a narrative and look at it from an outside perspective—to unplug and see the code, to detect the manipulation in their filmmaking and apply it to their understanding of Neo’s journey.
Only going off what I read, pepper spraying the car and ramming it twice is a serious violation. That trooper is unstable and needs to stay on desk duty. As to driving off, I have no rational answer to where the car could have gone to avoid even greater police action.
Now let’s visit the rational view for a moment. Person laughs at your post. Forwards it to your boss. Your boss is alarmed that he’s hired someone of such low intellect. That’s not cancel culture. Sounds like that’s on you.
Sounds like you missed a part. I don’t see:
If you don’t like my tone or my language you can fuck off and talk to someone else, what you’re not going to do is come here and police my motherfucking tone while some asshole troll dismisses police criminality.
Are you fucking stupid or do you just enjoy the flavor of cheap leather?
Yellow mustard is gross. Yellow mustard on watermelon sure sounds gross.
Well, these girls are from Los Angeles, and there’s already a band by that name, so by the ancient laws established by Boston, they have no choice but to move to another city which does not have a band name yet.
this is an incredibly stupid response. you should slither back to breitbart, the Daily Stormtrooper, or whatever other deplorable shithole you crawled out of.
Dude, they fucking killed him and then lied about it.
It’s funny you think that if you endorse street executions that you will never be the victim of one.
Wow. I hope when one of your family members gets pulled over for having expired tags & then gets dragged out of their car & beaten to death, you’re equally insistent that the cops did nothing wrong. Especially after those cops lie about what happened & spend over two years trying to suppress evidence that clearly…
The news report I saw this morning said that the troopers told the doctor at the hospital where Greene’s body was taken that he died instantly in a car crash. The doctor, in his report, noted that this is did not, in fact, add up because there were taser prongs embedded in Greene’s back. Also, Greene’s car did not…
The pig who appears to be one of the lead aggressors was informed he would be fired for his role in the arrest, back in September.
“Instead of rendering aid, the troopers leave the heavyset man unattended, facedown and moaning for more than nine minutes, as they use sanitizer wipes to wash blood off their hands and faces.”
This is precisely why we say all cops are bastards. These police murdered a man, lied about it, and they’re superiors did absolutely everything they could to cover it up.
Louisiana State Police called the officers’ action “awful but lawful.”