...they only do one thing...
Listen: that sound? Is the entire population of Montreal, bursting into tears.
these are FACTS
If they ain’t boiled, they ain’t bagels.
Customer: I’d like buy a bagel with cream cheese.
Not unless both ingredients are bagels.
First step: If you have health issues — talk to a doctor and nutritionist before changing the diet. Vegetarian or Vegan might sound great, but they have a side that nobody talks about in these articles.
if you also hate beans, go for peas instead
The Impossible/Beyond/other competition plant-based meat market isn’t the cure-all for everything nutritional, but if they will bring the price down some, it very well will help.
This country relies on the big-hearted nature of the citizenry to make up for the greedy fucking assholes that have bought our government.
Yes, this story is wonderful and indicative of the inherent good in so many sub-cultures. Yes, this story is also an absolute indictment of the country’s complete lack of anything…
All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens.
And the foundation has a spend down provision, meaning it will not seek to perpetuate its own existence after the Bill and Melinda die. Unlike legacy foundations that need to use a good chunk of their endowments and resources to exist. The Gates Foundation will spend down - give away, use for programs - all of its…
Gates Foundation has also done a lot to eradicate polio (a disease which remains a problem in developing countries) and to control HIV. It also works to reduce poverty, provide educational resources, all kinds of stuff. It’s not a purely performative charity, though I get why someone who doesn’t know might think so.
The Gates Foundation and other anti-Malaria groups have HALVED the annual death-toll from Malaria since 2000. These groups are currently saving about 400,000 people a year and climbing.
Yep. It’s a hit piece just to be a hit piece. The Gates Foundation has been investing a _lot_ of money into things that have the potential to improve quality of life for a lot of people. Drinking water, electric power, all sorts of things.
Yeah, not knowing what the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is, is not something to brag about. It’s one of the best charities in the world. They’ve done more the near eradication of malaria than any government or charity in the world.
This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.
Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?
It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.