Buy a frozen duck about 10 pounds.
Buy a frozen duck about 10 pounds.
Yes, I meant it, although I wasn’t trying to argue against Claire’s article: I think duck and goose fats get the other two places on the potato-frying podium. And it doesn’t matter where you are, you won’t see horse fat (tallow, I suppose) very often. Some moules bars in BeNeLux will have special nights where they use…
Cool Whip is not whipped cream and I wouldn't use it like this, but you’re right, the op didn’t try boxed mixes, I did. And it worked really well!
yeah they are not noticeable, texturally speaking.
All of the pro-Brexit folks I know (from the UK) are also fans of Trump.
Not if you drive in Georgia or Louisiana or Texas or some other such Hell-hole, where when the police pull you over for a burnt-out tail-light they charge all your cash with participation in drug trafficking and seize it.
I heard minimum of $25 a few years ago, so in case you get mugged, the mugger won’t be too upset and potentially use violence.
I live in a bad neighborhood, so having the moral high ground to tell the feral animals “sorry, I don’t have any cash on me” and be telling the truth is not to be underestimated.
I support this!
this is honestly one of the biggest things keeping me from going android (yes, my laziness)
Now if she could just squeeze that big blob of
pussantorum out of the White House, her work would be complete.
Screw it. This still sounds good and my “friends” need to leave anyway.
I love her. And I am amazed by the number of people with all these odd-ball growths that are coming out of the woodwork to find salvation at her hands.
The pops, the squeezes, the slicing off of the nose growths -- all give me great satisfaction in this age of great anxiety. Now if she could just squeeze that big blob…
Drums can be cheaper, though. Leg quarters can be cheap too and include the thigh. Drums are probably the most economical chicken parts.
Poor woman’s chicken Parmesan
I miss being able to recommend articles because this is a great idea for any time of the year.
Same here.
Oh yeah, I know. I’m permanently childfree on purpose.
I suppose you could solve that issue. But a child will cost way, way more than $10k to rear.