
Wait, don’t you mean the other way around? Bc gas engines are easier to start in the cold than diesel.

Hey, you might call them “anticaking agents” and “preservatives,” I call them “bonus extras!”

My guess would be that Russia isn’t using continuous rail (where each section of rail is welded together) so there is room for contraction and expansion. They are likely not working tolerances as tight either.

In Siberia, kerosene road burns you!

I like buying the big 6-ounce cans (they’re, like, $2) of El Paso. From the website:

They don’t have infinite resources since they more people they allow to test the more chances software features will be released ahead of time. And once they can they release to beta so that countless people everywhere can test. Though you are discouraging doing that in this article thus there where be less obscure

Only for the first 500 years.

In Texas, Sprouts sometimes has them, Central Market does too. Market Street would sometimes carry them, but not all stores, and not all the time. Your best bet is to call ahead.

Fresh Market used to have it all the time, but the one near us closed. I think I may have seen it at Mariano’s. I haven’t bought one in years and the first time I did was just because it looked cool. Then I had to figure out what to do with it.

Welcome to Claire’s Cthuloid Cocktail Hour

Comes with troll too!

This happens every couple of years. And the cycle is always the same.

1) Media fawns about it.
2) Authorities get wind of it.
3) Turns out it was always an illegal lottery and it gets shut down. 

Oooh, pickapeppa salt would be fantastic...

If you think they’re going to read 68,000 individual letters and not just pick one out of a hat you’re pretty a trusting fellow.

Do you not like VISUALS?

I don’t drink coffee. But I used to make it for other people and never thought somebody was an idiot for requesting cream or sugar.

Sure since we know each other and we are making sweeping generalizations. Just be honest-

Hmm, my two sisters and I all got ours done and they came back very similar and very much in line with what family history would suggest... roughly 50% Eastern European and 50% Anglo-Celt... our parents are from Ukraine and Scotland.

My mom did this at Ancestry, and they were identical. How the data is interpreted is the thing. Ancestry recently reinterpreted everyone’s data and that resulted in very different findings. As it happens, mine seemed to become more accurate (as expected). Some groups are more accurate than others; for example, I

It’s like a kick in the face if you have to plaster on a smile and say, “I have a venti iced coffee with nonfat milk for ... Tinkerbell.”