
Yeah, the quality of the eggs you use really makes a huge difference for this dish because of how little they’re cooked and how simply they’re seasoned. The eggs in Malaysia are very different than the ones in the States; fresher with a lot more flavor and never pasteurized. 

I’ve never made it past day three with broc slaw (because I ate it all) but I have definitely enjoyed a Brussels slaw that was 4 or 5 days old. There’s not a lot of water in shredded stalks.

the broccoli slaw holds up particularly well, though you will get a little more liquid towards the end of the week, it doesn’t get “soupy.” Just give it a toss each morning to redistribute the dressing and freshen things up.

This is an opinion site. Every article on this site, including this one, is subjective. This isn’t a peer-reviewed publication, nor should it be.

No - when you cook the eggs in the sous vide, since the yolk will solidify at a lower temp than the white, you end up with a gooey yolk and a runny white. I thought It would be gross until I tried it. Especially with Neuske’s Chili powder, it’s freaking amazing.

Each activity block also has its own alarm with a reminder. So there are no surprises like “where did the time go”, etc.

Some people learn with the help of visuals.

Typing on phone + autocorrect + not paying attention = humor. :-)  But yes, that.

I love her.

Saw this at a fancy restaurant last week. My girlfriends and were out for dinner (yes, heathens, we were on fucking time, yes we tipped 20%, no, we didn’t make the waitress ‘sing for her supper’), when this dumbass pulls out a ring, drops down on one knee. And proposes to his girlfriend, who clearly wasn’t having it.

Shashuka is my default “Oh no, what do I make for dinner”. So good.

As a confirmed introvert, a restaurant proposal would have been a horror for me. The first person I was engaged to, did it on a Thanksgiving dinner during dessert in front of all his family, my mother and my sister. My family had no idea, but his did and it was awkward as hell, and pushed me to make a decision that I

Better a quick restaurant proposal than a stadium scoreboard proposal, or that hideous instance when a dumbass got wheeled into Emergency on a stretcher to propose to his nurse-girlfriend.

Alternately, it’s incredibly self-centered and obnoxious to interrupt anyone else’s nice night out by doing some intensely personal shit in public so you can grovel for recognition and praise. Oh, and making a spectacle also removes true agency from the person to whom you’re proposing by stripping away all the privacy

“We’ve had people that have suddenly needed the check because the proposal didn’t go well.”

That fuckface kid is one Huey Lewis and the News rant away from full Patrick Bateman. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with people? I think our time on this planet is done. 

at first I was like “ok these kids are  being obnoxious but they’re all stupid 15 year old boys so that’s part of it” and then the kid with his stupid grin entered and ugh it makes me uncomfortable just WATCHING IT, he’s so close and so smarmy 

It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...

I’m no psychologist, but that kid that just kept staring at him is definitely a sociopath.