
Counterpoint: bar coasters are janky and your place will look like a frat house. Spend a few bucks on some real coasters or just use books or magazines or something like a lazy ass.

Even the bars I go to that use coasters are using freebies that they get from the beer distributors. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a custom coaster with the bar’s name.

The Konmari method really does make a lot more sense in the Shinto lense. (My grandmother was raised Shinto and converted to Christianity when she married my grandfather-- but she always kept a shrine. My mom still has it and keeps it up in her memory as well. )

Minor nitpick: maybe smell any duplicates before combining them, so as to avoid mixing the stale chili powder with the still-good chili powder.

I did not.

a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline

Merriam-Webster’s definition is the only the definition in terms of American English. It is not the ultimate “actual” definition of the word in every language.

Well hell, I just made a roast the other day. I should have made this instead. It looks delicious. Next time!

re: fucking slimy

That’s why I prefer large curd; it’s definitely much less slimy...

I always like breakfast for dinner, so maybe something eggy. Like a Corned Beef Hash casserole or Sausage and Egg Biscuits or something

There is a way to give advice about not over drinking at parties because your spidey-sense of douchebags who might sexually assault you is lessened and you might be more at risk for sexual assault, without coming across as victim blaming, but I’m not sure anybody has ever actually managed it. I’m sure as hell not

These days, a lot of Asian families prefer using mushroom seasoning. It’s not as overpowering as pure MSG. The ingredients are mushroom powder, salt, mushroom extract, vitamin B, and calcium.

Neither of those are relevant. My reference included a study that has been reproduced, and the “racism” charge was both thinly supported and doesn’t change the fact that your article is incorrect. It’s basically calling stop signs “racist” when you’re in a rush (or the “that’s a stupid question” gag from DS9).

I agree. I work in a kitchen, and we use salt on the low end of quantity. I feel the diner should taste the meal, then add salt to taste, as too much salt can’t be taken back. I like when the other flavors are bright and there, and not overwhelmed with salt or MSG.

I’m not saying shortcuts are a sin. There’s nothing wrong with shortcuts. I’m saying MSG covers a lot of what’s going on, so it makes it harder to understand what you’ve done to the food in the first place. Let the food be the food.

This is a pretty obvious case of goalpost moving, going from “there’s no reason to avoid MSG and there’s no phenomenon” to “there is a phenomenon, but it doesn’t count if it only effects a subset of the population.”

Goya Sazón! And apparently it comes in all kinds of varieties which I didn’t know until today when I pulled up the website so I could copy the name with the accent.  

In a low income area of the city where my father lives, there’s a “free store” with no religious affiliations that accepts donations of clothing and housewares. A web search indicates similar operations in many other cities. Here’s a bit of history behind the concept:

Someone the other day on another article suggested donating books to your local prison, which I think is a great idea.

As a librarian I am telling you, libraries don’t want your books, even if it’s your special collection of comic books. Please get this through everyone’s head. We don’t want your used books. Sorry to break all the hearts, but it’s just the way it is.