

you might enjoy hanging from one of those pullup bars. no need to do a pullup really, hanging offers plenty of benefits to grip and shoulders and spine... just hang like a kid hangs from the monkey bars.

yah some are cheap... i had a trainer who got me into kettlebell kings though... most of them well north of $100 😅 but maybe wait for a coupon...

maybe your arm strength defeated your grip? but train your grip...

ha ha, those look cool!

Christian Bale, Steve Carrell, and Ryan Gosling play the main characters, finance guys who aren’t really brilliant or even necessarily smart, but who have figured out how to make money while lighting the match on a world primed to burn.

I’m calling the resulting pan sauce “coke ‘n vin,” because the French are going to love it.

what’s the price per gallon?

imma have to pass on funnel cakes 😅

old meme, but still applies


NO. not for calls, messages, etc. unwanted interruptions.

data specific, i just use it for the carplay thing.

a few years late but a welcome change


france is nice, but good luck changing the bill of rights...

trump? 🤮

the spanish and latam alfajor are different though. same arabic+persian roots into the language, but different things.

2 cold egg yolks

  • With longer rest periods, your workouts may take longer. If you don’t have a ton of time to spend at the gym, long rests for every exercise may not be practical.