Anthony Weinerparty

any chance the sauce is malt vinegar? I don't see it much here, but go 100 miles east into Pennsylvania, and it's everywhere.

the beauty of Whataburger was that they put mustard, and not ketchup, on their burgers. At least that's what I remember (it's been decades since I lived near one).

I demand the sum of..... 8,500 dollars...mwuhahahaha....

I assume you're a fellow BOC fan?

does she do the killing, or does a vet?

Kristen is the only one on that show that I like. Not sure if that says more about me and my awful taste, or about how horrible everything and everyone else is on the show.

for me, it's "Wisconsin". Is it something in the water?

two for two, you've given me a laugh in these discussion threads. Well done.

Sadly, it's because the people who run this country have problems with their boners.

not only that, but it can change what they like. One person talked about how he liked to read softcore romance before hormones. After, he wanted to see hardcore porn with throbbing, oversized body parts (welcome to our world!)

Dum dum dum dum, dum dum, dum dum - it's over

You have to be wary around bull terriers. At first it's fun, then you start waking up in back alleys covered in urine and vomit...

I like this one, which I stole from someone else's post:

if I had any photoshop skills, I'd put the cake in place of the rooster:

I was going to make such a comment but thought better of it. It's the South Park song, dammit!

as a proud member (heh) of team cake, I would have no problem whatsoever with putting penis cake in my mouth. I'd be a lustful cockcake monster.

hey now, I belonged back when they shipped vinyl, and CDs were what you got at the bank...