I think Louis CK said that, by the time you’re 40, no one cares about you. They just expect you to do your job. That’s about right.
I think Louis CK said that, by the time you’re 40, no one cares about you. They just expect you to do your job. That’s about right.
He’s only 85? I swear he was like 80 20 years ago when I was a kid watching this garbage when it came on The Family Channel (I was a precocious little scamp who liked to yell at the TV the way my grandfather did).
If he were an asshole, he’d be having gay sex all the time.
Fact: Butters episodes are the best episodes.
Excuse me, Finger, but I think Bill Murray DOES care.
Wait, Lorde and Taylor? As in the famous people who are friends, and also as in the department store? How have I never seen this?
It would be easier to laugh off his "jokes" if they were somewhat funny. The stuff I saw seemed like random middle school bully shit.
Why was it a “ridiculous amount of so-called backlash?” He tweeted some incredibly stupid and offensive things and got what I feel was an appropriate amount of “so-called backlash.” Not from this site, however, but from the Internet as a whole.
You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate…
It’s not like it was one or two bad jokes, it was a whole slew of them. Misogynistic, antisemitic, and worst of all, unfunny. If I was a chef that served a number of bad meals and also insulted jews at the same time, would I get my own restaurant?
Hey Clover, do you mind me asking if you’re still dating him?
I just, don’t understand why we are giving him the runway. We go off on so many people for exactly the same thing Noah did. I mean how many times have we read that “the Internet is real life” and that threats and statements on the Internet do carry real world consequences? Why is Noah being left off for misogynist and…
Is it just me or was Jezebel really quiet on this issue until it settled down enough to where they felt confident they could get away with defending him?
Yes... he is horrible, but why is it necessary to engage in Body Shaming and Lookism?
The Intersectional Privilege Check light has lit up on the dashboard of your life.
I love how people feel entitled to complain that she’s not dressing fancily enough for them every single day.
What's the rule of you're getting a service at a med-spa, for example a medical grade chemical peel or laser treatment. Do the nurses/PAs expect tips or would that be offensive?