Anthony Crispino

Hi Aaron.

The money comics are some of his best work. +1

Speaks a lot to their coaching that they were able to mold those challenged young men into a winning roster with pieces and parts that changed frequently.

I really feel like Fisher was a good coach in Tennessee (not great, but good). They made the playoffs 6 times in 17 seasons in some tough divisions (AFC Central and then AFC South with the Manning Colts). I think he’s been mailing it in since the Vince Young saga though.

He was famous even then, so no. Just sharing a fun story.

That was a great game too. George Junior is an interesting story. Basically a last chance school for kids that have been kicked out of their other schools.

Glad to hear it! I have another.

LeBron has had this presence since at least his sophomore year of high school. Probably earlier, but that’s the earliest I saw him play. It was a game against Cleveland St. Benedictine at what was then known as the Gund Arena in Cleveland (now “The Q”). LeBron stole a pass on the wing and the only person between

Based on recent NCAA punishments, I expect nothing less than full executions for every member of the Missouri student body for the next 7 years.

This sounds like a great opening for a movie on SyFy.

I’m about 94% sure my brother-in-law wrote the last email about the dog. Should I bring it up at Thanksgiving?

Smart move by the NFL scheduling this on a national holiday in Mexico, which certainly boosted attendance figures. From Wikipedia:

No they just don’t comment on these late night posts. The best commenters are around during working hours while they’re pretending to work.

How do you kill it with fire if it walks on water?

Is it just me or does he have really thin forearms?

Is it just me or does he have really thin forearms?

I think the above poster would probably like something with some semblance of job security, not a temp gig.

Sad to see that the Packers have been so decimated by injuries that they are now resorting to signing lacrosse players.

Exactly. This looked like the kind of play that happens 50 times a game. Normal tackle, some slight contact from a teammate coming over to assist on the tackle, and all of a sudden the guy isn’t getting up? That is the scariest part about all of this.