
Pure speculation, but it’s hard to believe whiskey and rye wasn’t a factor somehow.

Oo-de-lally, golly what a day...

Please immediately deploy this modern Goofus and Gallant program to middle schools over here thank you.

Good call- there’s plenty of time for her to join The Satanic Temple. Let her have a childhood first, by all means.

While you’re waiting on that, check out his origin story/playbook

Keep on rockin’ in the free world

I think he’s just proposing closing the gun show loophole. The vast majority of not crazy, not criminal people that think they need 25 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammo could still walk into any one of thousands of gunstores and buy them. There is no slippery slope, there are no death camps, and a psychotic


Oh, I see the diamond photo...I just can’t stop looking at the poor and impoverished souls who dug it up and will likely get paid next to nothing for the work.

He has to be Canadian. If he was Russian there were would be a dash-cam of it.

yeah, for sure. i mean obviously saba could presume, after i contacted her from a jezebel email address, that we VASTLY disagree on matters of public policy. and i appreciated very much that she didn’t try to pontificate — she was just stating her views respectfully, which she has a right to have and to try to act on!

Because he’s getting torched so much?

Hi! Let me be the first to welcome you to Deadspin!

Don’t know, but I bet if you’d been hugged more as a child you’d be less awful.

I think you’re confusing this for a sports news site. If you want a straight take of the top stories, there are dozens of places for you. This does not need to be another one of those sites.

I have my ups and downs when it comes to Madonna. This is a big up.

It was also very stupid before the attacks.

Looking at the Terry Richardson Miley Cyrus photoshoot like:

My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.