
She is not the worst wedding guest.

there are way worse people.

Listen...I am tired.

My husband had been my friend for about 12 years before we even started to date. He is in the reserves and was got deployed to the Syrian Turkey border. I asked him if he would marry me before he left. He said yes. I was really nervous and upset and was really trying not to cry and when im upset i get really gassy. So

I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.

Yup. I’ve had Northern Italians tell me that Southern Italians are “basically black.” I was like, please shut up and pass me more wine so I can forget this.

It is not my place to tell her what she can and can’t call herself. She has a right to that. What concerns me is that after so many years of reveling in the beauty and intellect of African Americans, when asked point blank, “Are you African American?” She conveniently walked away. Like, left her keys and wallet and

For the record, she says she’s a black woman trapped in a white woman’s body. You have it backwards.

And as a black woman “trapped” in a black woman’s body, I can tell you that yes, she is absolutely lying. It’s interesting to see a woman who so deeply sympathizes with black women, even if the way she plays it out is

i think that question in itself is a dead end and a huge distraction from abortion rights, subsidized daycare, racism in criminal justice and maternity leave

FWIW, I didn’t know who he was and had to Google him.

I've watched every season religiously up until this last one. Even after Stabler left they were doing ok and then they completely jumped the shark with all these pathetic ripoff plotlines.

As a former Event Coordinator all I can say about executing other people's weddings is:

The article is bullshit and I've noticed Americans tend to impose their own dualistic constructions of race (which are in fact very culturally specific as they were invented in support of slavery) to other cultures around the world. "White" isn't even a thing in many cultures yet you'll still hear all these weird

I lived in Italy, I was groped literally any time I went out in a crowded public space. I was groped at the Vatican. I was told it was because at the time, I was young, blonde, tall and obviously American. For a long time, I would immediately elbow anyone as a reflex who came up behind me.

Oh I'm sorry, i was unaware that the basic fact that a mere 2% of the population is not white yet people still report street harassment on a regular basis somehow don't statistically correlate. It must all be that 2%.

I know that some were American because i'm not deaf (there are these things called accents).

I know, i know not all Italians. I just had the worst first five minutes in a place ever occur in Naples (i have had a lot of people grab my ass, never before or since have i been sure that had we been at home i could have prosecuted and probably won a case for sexual assault), leading me to repeat what i had oft been

I'm not wild about the headline. I realize that the Italicized "Honey Boo Boo" is meant to clarify that the reference is to the show, and not the child, but it still reads like Alana was molested. Which she hasn't been as far as we know.

I mean, the worst thing you can call a dude is "non-threatening", right? Who wouldn't want to live with the constant threat of domestic violence? That is sooo hot.

I'm so sick of "nonthreatening" being used as an insult. When's the last time you heard that word used as a compliment? Who the FUCK wants to be threatened?