
I thought one was supposed to have a clean permanent record to own weapons... Maybe his lovely family registered the gun under someone else’s name?

Gaaaaah lord I hate this country sometimes. That’s metaracism at its best.

Yes. Too bad some people from southern Italy are now supporting them because they bond a lot over hating immigrants and roma people. Everything is forgotten, as usual over here. But racism between italians is very real nontheless

I’m from Italy, and believe me Armenian people, live north african people or middle eastern people, are not considered white over here. I wouldn’t be considered white by some racial theories of the world war era here in Europe. There’s a lot of racism between people who are caucasian, because caucasian means a lot of

I usually think I am less pretty than people seem to think, and I always doubt whether they're just being nice when I get compliments. I think I'm quite avarage, but my perception changed a bit since I started wearing red lipstick. I feel prettier when I have it on and it seems like people pay more attention to me,

Italian here, these words are not misspoken, since they're translated from italian, and the original version delivered the same message as the one translated into english. Nothing got lost in translation, that's exactly what they meant. Dolce and Gabbana are just following their own trends, set by themselves. First,

"In addition to writing about style, the arts and travel, she has authored a liturgical volume about faith and contributed a regular column to Vatican magazine.". oh well.

That's it, Italians harass and catcall women who mostly look like foreigners. I live in Rome, and I always see this happen and they're white italian men doing it most of the time. But it's not ok if foreigners - namely THE IMMIGRANTS - do the same thing to italian women. Because you know, italians really want their

Does honking when you walk and screaming from their cars count? Do "compliments" at the bus stop count? Does groping my butt and commenting on it count? Because all of this happens to me in my hometown in the south of Italy and in Rome, all by the hands and mouths of perfectly WHITE men. White means many cultures,

I am so sorry. I see catcalling happen all the time, especially with those who are perceived as foreigners/tourists. Italians need to be confronted, but everytime it happens I just give them finger and walk away, because I'm nervous and borderline scared. I've never been groped, luckily, but had people sit almost on

Have you ever considered that even "white men" is not a well defined category? You say "white men don't catcall" in NY, NZ and Australia. Cool story. What about Eastern Europe? Or Italy? I promise, we're all quite white over here, and you can bet all kinds of whites catcalled me.

I am very sorry it happened to you. Naples can be the worst, and the best too. It's definitely a weird place, as you've been able to see. I come from the south of Italy, way more southern than Naples, and we see fun things down here.

I am italian, and I've been catcalled mostly by other italians. Still, the racist stereotype is that "the immigrants" are harrassing and raping italian women. It drives me crazy, mostly because Italy can be really really mysoginistic, but it's ok as long as it comes from an italian, not someone from the Middle-East or

This. Plus, the headline has no italics in it, at least on my facebook feed. It is misleading at best. I hope it was just a case of bad phrasing and not intended to make us think that little girl was a new victim, because writing this on purpouse, just for the page visits, would be beyond awful. I hope I'm

I am italian but hadn't heard of this story. So I checked out the newspaper, and found out she also took pictures with dead patients making grimaces and with her thumbs up.

One thousand times this. Insert casual quotes adding """"deepness""" and reading while drinking wine, because we all read Heidegger while drinking right?

I'm an Italian philosophy student about to get my master's degree, as my partner is, and we are very worried we'll have to part, at least physically, if we want to pursue our academic careers..Being in Italy doesn't help and we'll both have to move. We already know couples who broke up because one of them was moving

wow, thank you so much, really! I will, definitely. At least as soon as I find out how to contact you privately, cause I'm that smart. Sounds like you made a couple nice things, chapeau

Oh I see, in fact I didn't know much about Belgian uni. I guess humanities are the slowest to be "reformed" because it's hard to apply the same criterias used for science, and Italy, in particular, is pretty much on its own in Europe. Still, I think that the old-school method has its upsides, especially for