White people from Portland are the ultimate authorities on what yoga is really about.
White people from Portland are the ultimate authorities on what yoga is really about.
I am so, so, SO sick of "if they don't like it, they should just quit." It's a way to defend dehumanizing treatment of employees without actually coming out and saying it. I don't give a shit WHAT someone does for a living — NO ONE SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO THIS SHIT.
I'm calling straight up bullshit on your understanding of what click-bait actually is.
The initial lime season this year was delayed because of heavy rain and the prices were super, super high because of the shortage. I work at a bar, they were about $80-$100 a case instead of $40 or $50 a case. Then Mexican drug cartels got involved and the price went up even higher because they were robbing lime…
Thank you x1 million for this, Phoenix. Its been a rough few months for me - despite my efforts, I have gained a fair amount of weight so far in this, my first pregnancy. All the body acceptance I thought I had went out the window as my body has become almost unrecognizable. I quit running at the beginning of this…
Is anything real? 'Are we living in the Matrix?' Research Assignment
I imagine the young man has a number of offers waiting from Wall Street firms. He's clearly Pike material whether he pledged or not.
I fart on this song
is that like peep jousting?
Who the fuck wants to be awake.
Just be glad you didn't include "Love" as a drug option. Imagine where we'd be.
What is this, like a Mormon naughtiness bracket?
This is my hometown. A few of my cousins went to the school, so I don't much care for the quote about the parents of children who go to the school being nasty. I always thought it was the less conservative option for Christian schools in the area (and it probably is). From what I've heard from people who still live…
Understandably shaken, Pauline asked to speak to a manager, who pulled her aside and gave her some hand sanitizer and a 30% off coupon. No one took her name down, no one offered to follow up with her.