If you mean Aubrey Gelman - they broke up, and it doesn't seem like she has the fondest memories of the relationship.
If you mean Aubrey Gelman - they broke up, and it doesn't seem like she has the fondest memories of the relationship.
I think "seemingly" is the keyword there. She definitely has issues if she's able to remain with him. And some women really get off on the idea that they're the "different" one - "Oh, Terry treats other girls badly but I'm special"
Insightful. Probing. Layered.
Every time I'm reminded that the book Eat, Pray, Love exists, I die a little.
You know, a "NSFW" label doesn't work when it's one line of 12-point text above the thing it's referring to. You do know that, right?
And this is why the only thing I ingest is pure, organic virgin's blood. Great for the skin, too! And running them down on moonlit nights is great exercise.
Regardless of anything else, this show needs to Just. Die. Already.
Can't help wondering what the loose skin situation is with weight loss that fast?
That's "prix fixe" isn't it?
I know behavior like this from celebrities tends to be frowned upon, but can't really fault Wiig or anyone similar. (Provided they're not assholes about it.) Hell, I like my privacy. Privacy is great. Everyone should have some.
I actually work from a diamond lap top.
I commented on one of those. Something to the effect of "Oh great, a new way to let your impressionable daughter know she's a piece of property! She "belongs" to her father until he decides to let someone pork her? Great way to let a young woman know her worth!"
Damn you. I really want some Dunkin Donuts now and the closest one is 30 miles away.
I'm sure this lady would take one look at me and deem me "healthy." But OH, what lies beneath the skinny surface...
The thing that really bothers me about this woman(setting aside the fact she seems dumb as toast) is that there are a couple thousand places online where slender women can post photos of themselves and be praised for their awesome genetics/dieting skill/fitness. There are a relatively tiny number of places where size…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fresh, as does MotherGingerKeeper. Highly recommend any of their kits!
That's an important sweet spot in mom-gift pricing. Sometimes when I buy my mom things that are too fancy she's afraid to use them and will attempt to trade me for whatever lesser-valued similar item I have received from someone else.
I wish I had a normal mom. Mine is getting three books from the "Amish romance/fiction" section and cash so she can buy herself men's Levi's and Freedent gum.