
Harry is already the half blood prince.

She's cool and fun but not quiet... 2/3, so Still Team Amber

You can be a quiet and fun cool girl, and read the fuck out of someone at the same damn time.

Team Everyone Involved Gets Spritzed With a Spray Bottle

What'd she order, Fish Filet?

The aptly named Lolo Jones.

Don't insult hamsters that way.

Was "I'm a little disappointed" too harsh? I mean, I wanted to bring a little heat, but not full flame. I guess I did get a little carried away there.

Are you implying that you hope these guys get raped? No one deserves to be raped, not even rapists.

Let's not cheer for any rape, k?

It wasn't the defense who brought up quesadilla. The prosecution used it to show that he wasn't black out drunk because 30 min before the rape he was able to correctly spell quesadilla. New rule of thumb: if you are sober enough to spell you are sober enough to know not to rape.

I know that there is still a huge debate (among some people at least) regarding whether rape is about sex vs. power. Is this finally going to be the case that puts that debate to rest?

I read that the victim graduated with a degree in neuroscience and is now in a PhD program out of state. I hope she recovers from this ordeal and has a great productive career and happy life full of love. I hope that this traumatic event doesn't define her....that she doesn't blame herself....that she gets

His face is so punchable. Every time he sighed, looked incredulous, or whispered to his attorney I wanted to punch him again.

Um, well one of them is white.

In Tennessee, aggravated rape is a Class A felony, which incurs a fine of up to $50,000, at least 15 (and up to 60) years in prison, or both. That's 15 years per count.

Kinja is forever.

I don't see any of the dancers backing you up though.

I'm Mormon, and me too.

You think it's cause you're a lesbian? Like, you're a queer person you shouldn't like, assume that when someone is making fun of you it's automatically like, for that reason. Like are you projecting? Like if you're a strong person you aren't so defensive?