i think (or hope, at least) it's also possible for there to be feminists who are okay with the church structure as it is. i don't feel a huge conflict between being a feminist and being a believing member of the lds church.
i think (or hope, at least) it's also possible for there to be feminists who are okay with the church structure as it is. i don't feel a huge conflict between being a feminist and being a believing member of the lds church.
sure! basically, certain positions in the church are held by men who hold the priesthood. the priesthood is defined as the ability act in the name of god on earth, and male members of the church who are worthy (keeping all of the commandments/expectations of the faith) begin to receive it in degrees starting when…
cool! what do you want to know?
ugh. i'm so sorry that the church experience was damaging for you. i hope you can find healing in whatever way is best for you.
i can only speak to my experience as a self-identified feminist, very left-leaning member of the lds church. for me, i have had several experiences that have convicted me of some basic spiritual truths: that god is my father and he loves me and all of his children, that the lds church is led by a prophet who receives…
it's not even that i feel i can only hash this stuff out with other mormons. it's that for me, certain driving beliefs and behaviors are justified only by my faith. that works for me because i've had a spiritual experience that has convicted me of their truth, and because living along those lines makes me a happier…
i am a feminist mormon woman and would be really into engaging in a discussion about this if i felt like it was going to be collegial. this is the tough thing about speaking from a position of faith with those who are not in a position of faith because it can be hard to find a common language. but sometimes trying…
i'm pretty sure that losing your job as a result of your boss's bad business decisions is the very definition of sharing in the company's losses.
i want you to go look every employee in your company in the eye and tell them that. tell them that if you ever face a combination of bad fiscal climate and poor decision making, you will cut and run and leave them in the dust, without a thought for the hard work they put in to your company. tell them you will take…
germans, man. germans.
i'm going to go with weltschmerz: translates literally to “world pain” and, according to Merriam-Webster online, means “mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state.”
this group is incredibly far removed from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. no tithing money will be reaching them.
i can't say in blanket terms what is typical, but we draft quite a few leases in my office (law firm with a small real estate practice in manhattan) and that is pretty typical language for us. you're right about the path to reimbursement, though, and that's where it gets complex for public housing tenants, who do not…
depending on their lease, the implied warrant of habitability is voided under a force majeure clause: if the domicile is rendered uninhabitable by extreme forces outside the landlord's control, the landlord is obligated to mitigate the damages as quickly as possible while the tenant is obligated to continue paying…
i had managed to stop throwing up all my food for almost a month (thanks, therapist!) when i went to the doctor for a serious vaginal infection. because it was a last-minute appointment, i saw a physician's assistant who had never met me before. the appointment was expressly made to figure out what was wrong with my…
pretty sure at least some of these are misguided trolls? case in point:
so you were definitely not looking for an actual answer to this question, am i wrong?
one hundred points. *clap clap clap clap clap*