i also say, fuck you.
i also say, fuck you.
#correction: lea michele is spelled with one l. (it's right in the article, wrong in the headline)
nope. sorry. i got an 1180 on the (old) SATs in the 8th grade. i went to an elite private school and the 1300 that i got as a high school junior got me laughed at all the time until i learned to guard it like the dirty, dirty secret that it was.
deleted. made a not-funny joke. but you are totes right, was the point.
to compare the photos on that website to the pictures on r/creepshots is absurd.
where is this website full of photos of men, objectified without their consent?
so until she agreed to go on the pill, you didn't engage in vaginal intercourse?
i've read through several of the comment threads replying to this original comment. sounds like you feel your original point (that condoms aren't stigmatized due to a perceived decrease in pleasure, but an actual decrease in pleasure) got lost due to what you are terming "hyperbole" which was missed by those who read…
what was the understanding you came to?
who knows. he had the intellectual capacity to go out and get a neck tattoo, after all.
a very interesting question. i did a little research and if the internet is to be believed (that's a big "if"), 40-50 is considered "moderate mental retardation" with "some independent self-help skills" and "very basic academic skills." a profound intellectual disability is found in an IQ of less than 20.
my score went from 34 to 29 recently. it also says i am influential in Rhode Island. i'm done for the day.
a really good friend of mine did just that (hormones and pumping) so she could breastfeed her adopted baby. with some careful timing, her milk didn't come in until right before the baby was born, and they were able to bank some to feed the baby in the hospital so she would have the adopted mom's milk from day 1. it…
i read this ad on my way to work today (while eating pizza and diet coke) and thought "i'm going to ask all my skinny friends if they have read that book. i wonder if that skinny lady sitting over there in the corner has read that book." i am 98% certain that none of the skinny people i know had to read a book…
and when you have that booth* at that con*, i will come to that con and i will stand at your booth, oogling your booth dudes in their speedos all. damn. day.
i've read every comment on this story so far, and yours (including the story itself) was the first that actually brought tears to my eyes. i identify so much with the nauseating mixture of anger and humiliation that comes in response to an experience like that. my heart goes out to you. i know we must not be, but…
don't forget to make sure the only reliably accessible food is dangerously unhealthy and lacking in nutrition. make this food dirt cheap and sandwich (get it?!) it between the payday lender and the liquor store. don't teach white moms to breastfeed their kids, and snicker about how ignorant they are when they give…
So what is your solution then? Spend the next few centuries beating up on the entire Caucasian race for that bundle of white privilege we all carry with our genes?