Someone told me to switch to the LORAC liquid liner to up my wing game, and damn if they weren’t right. Forgot who you are, but thanks!
Someone told me to switch to the LORAC liquid liner to up my wing game, and damn if they weren’t right. Forgot who you are, but thanks!
Oooooof course this happened here. Good for you, Albuquerque.
Honestly. I hated it then. I hate it now. I especially hate it now, since the trend seems to be as aggressively ugly and unflattering as possible on all body types.
That’s Zoot, man! He’s not really with it, but he’s a killer saxophone player.
Kid Electron and I also have matching pairs! I LOVE THEM.
They are! And they make me feel more glamorous than when I’m kicking around in my battered Chucks.
I went full That Mom and bought a pair of patent leather Birkenstock Gizehs. Love them.
Hey, you’ve made me laugh and think over the years, so I’m keeping you in my thoughts.
You’re going to do an exocet? Niiiiiice.
Man, now I want to go trawling build threads on or clubroadster and see if anyone’s fabricated something like this. A giant FUCK YOU button would be PERFECT.
You can do it.
Yep. There’s a group of women at my gym who do a quasi group class in a couple of the racks when I’m there, and they like to (loudly) remind each other not to lift more than five pounds per arm or squat more than an empty bar, because they’ll get bulky, and no guy likes that, amirite, laydeez?
And then they ask *how* I…
I irrationally want to punch her in the face just for breathing (through her mouth).
Oh, god no. Not intended as a humble brag. This jerk was a handsy bastard and I quit three weeks in.
I spent one summer break working as a nanny, and the woman who hired me basically said it was because I was short and dumpy and so not her husband’s type. Didn’t keep him from grabbing my ass, though.
My first reaction to this was: GREEN CHILE CHEESEBURGERS FOR EVERYBODY! I’m gonna live forever!
Deadlift the patriarchy. Look good doing it.
She can still do better!
Piggy, listen to me. You can do so much better than that green lump of boring. You are an elegant, tasteful woman of means. You need an underwear model, and Taylor Swift needs a new album’s worth of material. Are you picking up what I’m putting down?