
See, the few Bluthies of my acquaintance have all, to a person, put their four month olds down at a set bed time and left them there — without checks — until the following morning. "I have a monitor" was the most they'd say about it. Oh, that and, "young babies are manipulative." That sort of attitude is what has my

So, you just put the kid down and never checked on him, just let him scream? Or did you just do a hard core Ferber? Because I have major issues with not checking on a crying infant for hours at a time.

Three Sophie/Sophias in my daughter's preschool classroom. It's the Jennifer of the 2010s!

I met my bestie because we were both baby wearing in Target and I had to compliment her on her *AWESOME* Girasol rainbow wrap. We got coffee and had a good hour of chitchat, nursed our babies and bonded. It's three years later and her son is Kid Electron's BFF.


She moved across town and the kids are in different

I believe in what works for everyone in the family — until someone brings up Weissbluth and/or blanket training, and then I'm outies.

As Mr. Atom said as he glanced over my shoulder: "I didn't know purple nurples came in that particular shade of lavender."

I skipped my tenth in the mid augts, but my mom went as an invited faculty member, so this is her report.

Yesterday my BFF's son hugged Kid Electron and said, "I wuff you!" Kid Electron replied with, "I like you, too," while patting him on the back.

I think they're arguing over Serial, because my husband and I did that exact pacing and big gestures thing after the last episode.

I'm a knitter. Any yarn made from alpacas, llamas or camel make me break out in hives.

Camelid allergy here, so I'd have to pass.

Dude, I'd put money on her being behind the "accidental" text photo.

It wasn't an off-leash park. It was a park with a playground a half mile away from a real dog park. The owner just decided the law — all dogs on leashes in public except in designated dog parks — didn't apply to him. He let his dog off the leash, the dog made a break for it and crossed 50 yards to the playground in a

That got a shrug.

Seriously. When Kid Electron was sixteen months old, I had an off the leash dog bolt for her at a park. I had just enough time to scoop her up and put my back against the attack, and it ripped my puffer coat to shreds instead of her. "Oh, but Charlie wouldn't hurt a fly," was the owner's only response.

Fuck that, I popped the question in 1999.

Yes. Kid Electron is lucky she's still living in a two-parent home.

How amusing for you.

My birth story is, "I had a baby. Shit was weird. The end."

In my narrow sample, anyone who had a lovey-dovey first year was divorced by the second anniversary.