
You forgot my favorite - 227. Oh, and Different World too.

But yeah, I was trying to explain this strange cultural regression to my friend’s grandkid recently and all they kept hitting me with was - but gay people couldnt get married.

Family Matters was on Friday nights!  This was back when Friday wasn’t seen as a place where shows were sent to die.  It’s kind of weird thinking about how successful the TGIF line up was back in the day now that Fridays are the time slots of last resort.

which ran on Fox from 1993 to 1998

I will often claim I am wearing a variation of a standard color just to be slightly obnoxious. It’s not green, my friend, this is chartreuse. Purple? I think you will find that it’s actually wisteria. Pink? It’s mauve, bro. Just having a bit of fun.

This seems like a good time to remind everyone that Elizabeth Warren has an awesome Golden Retriever and actually knows how to interact with a good dog.

oh fuck off with “properly trained dog” horseshit. 

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Ya, that isn’t a solution. An incels problem is not the lack of sex that is a symptom, an incels problem is the profound self-loathing and misplaced anger that drives people away from them. Making them pay for sex wont do anything, it might even make it worse. The only way to help an incel move on is to admit to

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Billy Porter, the fabulous human you see above. Watch his show Pose on Netflix, it’s amazing!

I had an aggressively catholic co-worker comment during the “ground zero mosque” nonsense that, “Well, you could build a mosque there, but should you, respecting the history?”. He stfu when I responded, “Well, you could build catholic churches in communities with children, but should you...”

I mean he’s really dense so I can’t imagine his thought process going very deep here, and I assume he’s easily distracted by shiny objects. I think we’re only left with one logical conclusion: Billy gives Don, Jr. funny pants feelings and they scare him, so he’s making a joke instead?

Dear whoever took this video/picture: Please send Donny Jr. a cease and desist letter, k, thx, bye.

I went to Catholic school and when the allegations became public, I was in high school and our Bible study class asked the priest in charge what he thought about said allegations and he said and I quote: “I’ll have to take the side of the diocese.” We were struck silent and that’s an accomplishment. He couldn’t even

I had to listen to my Catholic in laws and friends gush last week about how great the March for Life was, how great Trump’s speech was, how they loved a sign they saw that said “A person’s a person no matter how small,” and it took every ounce of self-control not to scream at them about how if they actually cared

As a trans man and the grandchild of two Holocaust survivors (who loved and accepted me as I am, and who would be appalled by this transparent attempt to leverage others’ suffering for an awful backwards-ass Nazi agenda), fuck this absolute prick.

Get your armchair psychology the fuck out.

99% of us are not sitting here thinking that we are defined by clothes and makeup. Hell, I’d argue that the majority of trans people know who they are far better than most people regardless of identity. It’s usually years of self-reflection to come to that point. Shit, it took

“It seems people took what was clearly a marketing strategy meant to shame people who don’t want to give people equal rights and ran wild with it. You’ve even fallen into the trap of thinking the way you look or act make you what you are, maybe because you need to believe that because of what you’ve experienced.”

I’m really slammed at work, okay? So thank you for taking the time to express exactly how I feel about this news and I don’t have to.

Andrew really, truly is a gormless turd of a human. The one solitary good his existence does for this world is remind me why the institution of royalty is so fucking offensive. I’ve said this more than once, but I just want to say once again that I absolutely CANNOT understand how this shitheel is the Queen’s favorite