
Ditto. The beginning of season two when he’s desperately resetting things again and again only to have Eleanor (or Jason, JASON? yeah, this one hurts) figure it out is some of the hardest I’ve ever laughed at my TV.

I love...pretty much everything about The Good Place, but the first thing that comes to mind for me as far as favorite arc is Michael’s journey throughout season 2. The ways in which his exposure to the humans makes him better, how they keep trying to help him be better even when he semi-actively resists it - it’s so

I don’t disagree, but it appears they are using outside data collected by professionals for the local municipalities instead of user reviews. SO you don’t need to worry if those bad reviews were written by the manager’s ex-wife and the 26 accounts she created just for that purpose.

Me after reading these quotes

Only tangentially related but I will NEVER forgive Jezebel for introducing me to GSA (genetic sexual attraction) years ago when they did that story on the woman who fell in love with her dad. NEVER!!!

Yes. She was also suicidal. She also had a fucked up history. She is no cult controlling Mean Girl that worked to weed out someone more basic just for her gratification.  She had already talked Conrad out of suicide and self-injury other times.  The whole story is sad and just screams at the failure of mental health

As someone in abortion care work, this is so amazing and promising. It feels good to have a victory to celebrate amidst all of the terrible news that seems to bombard us by the minute for the past 3 years.

Not saying she isn’t the victor of this divorce. My point is that dude is going to burn through his remaining money hella quick. After he sells his Rolls Royce and fancy watches, you think he won’t contemplate having her killed? Have you read the reports from her staffers who were physically threatened by him? People

Beyond a pending sense of doom, it’s not clear exactly why these folks think a recession is coming.

Am I the only one scratching my head after reading the Wendy Williams Page Six story? So she’s keeping Kevin Hunter as the beneficiary on her million dollar life insurance policy? Not her son, but the man that’s been accused of domestic violence, who impregnated another woman during their marriage? Girl, no. That’s the

I disagree - I think it’s been clear for years that Harry wanted out of the royal circus. His problem was, he never had a reason good enough to leave.

Too bad people found out thighs are good. The price is going up for those too. Necks and backs it will be for us. Possibly gizzards.

I use Dove bar soap in the shower every morning and moisturize with whatever drugstore St. Ives shit I have immediately afterwards. I do nothing else to my face. I have micellar water if I really really need to take off some long-wear makeup. Eating a lot of sugar and/or intense stress seem to be the triggers for the

Really, I just butter everything to be on the safe side.


FFS this shit again. Once again, RDJ wasn’t in blackface, his character was. I don’t know why it’s such a difficult distinction. 

Everything about that gag/character walked an incredibly narrow line, verging on being horrifically offensive.

I don’t think that the movie was very good, or accomplished what it wanted to do. However, there is a large difference between doing blackface, and playing a character who is doing blackface. Any attempt to confuse the two is just dishonest.

I'm a birthmother and GSA is common enough that when you fill out the paperwork to meet your adult child they describe GSA and ask you to talk to a therapist about it before you meet. As others have noted I'm not sure how often people act on it, but it is definitely considered common enough that they feel they should

The attraction is normal. Acting on it isn't, and especially if you are in a parent/child relationship. It was his responsibility to protect her from it, and he failed her. Further I would argue that he groomed her and preyed upon her.