
I will happily replay HZD on a bowl of mashed potatoes if they could port it to it. I love this game and I want everyone to be able to enjoy it.

Ah, well that makes sense I guess. But where I live all the liquor is sold through state run liquor stores. So the restaurants have to buy their liquor through them too. If a bar in the neighborhood sells a rare or expensive anything that means you can request that same liquor from the ABC store. 

Well ordering it in a bar or restaurant is a flex since the markup is insane. If you like your fancy expensive stuff buy yourself a bottle at the liquor store and enjoy it at a much more reasonable price.

A lot of parents smoke weed. You grow up.

Man. I feel both really seen and personally attacked by this comment.

People don’t want to be recorded on video while receiving a massage.

To be honest, when I first read the headline my mind did not go to the actual animal coyote, but to the other meaning. 

I’m pretty sure you got kinja’d into posting on the wrong article but the mistake made me laugh out loud.

You’re a wet fart.

I think we have the same rule here in Virginia (hey neighbor!)

These plates will not solve America’s obesity epidemic, but they could trigger someone with an eating disorder. 

I thought she was a disney star of some kind? Not just famous for being famous?

It was the same at my college, but I remember when I toured the campus as a high school student and this fact was touted as special because it wasn’t the case in most colleges. That was around 20 years ago. I thought that this was the direction most universities went in the last two decades, but I’m not really sure.

As someone who works for a nonprofit and whose salary is paid for with corporate sponsorship...thank you! This is how this stuff works! We can argue the merit of what the sponsorship is doing...I think they’re giving rides to interviews not jobs themselves...but the article seems to be made that it’s a corporate

Are you new here?

This exists! There are event apps out there that do this. The ones I’m familiar with are generally for big conference type scenarios, but I’m sure there are small-scale Q&A ones as well. 

My husband makes hashbrowns every Sunday morning, so for me, they’re very easy as I just let him make them. He alleges that they are easy, but he opts to shred them in the food processor before soaking them in water. To get the water out he presses them in a potato ricer and then pats them dry. You could do this, or