
Fox News has always been at war with Heather Childers.

Remember - all that violence that Trump says could happen if Biden becomes president actually is happening while Trump is President.

I told all of you that this is the endgame. He has no economy, that a black man built, to run on. The COVID numbers are worsening by the day, Fauci has pretty much called his bluff and told the world that he is dumbass and his niece put all his shit out there for the world to see. This will get worse the closer to the

“What a terrible question... I only think about myself, and I’ve never been killed by the police.”

To paraphrase...

Huh...welp, at least we know where many of The 53%™ work and/or support.

I figure the rise in positives due to Disney re-opening should show up in 2 - 3 weeks. Stay tuned, kids.

Gaetz added, “The left wants us to be ashamed of America so that they can replace America.”’

“I never dreamed anyone would eat MY tail!” - Ouroboros

I do want to keep this a conversation, so I’ll stick to one point here:

One thing about Gender Identity Watch and similar blogs that I’ve noticed is that they rarely settle for cataloguing criminals who have medically transitioned. The boundaries of what counts as “trans” are pretty fuzzy, but those sorts of blogs tend to include a healthy serving of crossdressers and other folks who

Fix the cigarette lighter. 

Yeah, nobody said anything about Bernie that I can see.

This sort of sentiment is always around these types of gatherings that are more common than you might think down here in heavily black areas (black guy from the rural Deep South here who has attended them). Though admittedly this the largest i’ve ever heard of. I bet i know some of these dingalings (and they are

Pretty much any. I mean the Swastika was/is a sign of good fortune in a number of cultures. But in the west it's only ever associated with Nazi. And the OK hand sign was put forward as a symbol for WP as a troll on the news and a bunch of WP groups looked and said "hey, that's a good idea".

It probably was intended to mean “white power,” but it is so similar to the OK sign, I don’t think an investigation could possibly nail this to him.

You’re assuming the prosecutors want “justice” and not just “attention”. 

Yeah, I imagine with Epstein that he did some kind of high end “matchmaking” (how I imagine Naomi Campbell got in his black book), some non-pedo/non-coerced pimp work (Bill Clinton), and we know he did legitimate philanthropy high society bullshit too. As a finance guy he understands diversification. It’s how he

Because fighting is what they want and you don’t give the enemy what they want. Second, this is just more boys and their toys and dick swinging. The Cause doesn’t need that. It needs substantial reform. If the creators of BLM thought shooting a bunch of rednecks would solve the problem they would have started with

Where were all the white supremacist groups? Probably in Gettysburg, trying to stop an imaginary “antifa flag-burning party.”