
CHAZ was not an experiment, of course. Criminologists know that the relationship between slow-downs and sickouts and major crime is weak to non-existent. When the police take breaks from enforcing low-level offenses, the relationship between police busy-ness and crime shows that less busy cops correlates with fewer

Some investigations take longer than others, but all citizens need to keep the pressure on local officials until they get results.  These atrocities have got to be stopped.

Baby steps indeed.  Thanks for covering this.

Even if the lawyer is not working pro bono, lawyers often work on contingency.  Bail and criminal defense attorneys require money up front.

Perhaps you are deliberately missing several things -- or you could just be inattentive.

The city has to have a valid fighting words ordinance in place, and not all cities do.

There is a scene where they are threatened by a stampede in a canyon.  Some of LIS is the worst TV I have seen in a while.

That is exactly what ageism is.

I don’t really care about your original argument, but your insult was homophobic and you know it.  You don’t get to decide that it is not homophobic, and being dismissive doesn’t make you correct.

They won’t do it just because it hasn’t been done but once in a hundred years.  They ask the courts to enforce their subpoenas -- and that’s it.

Maybe you should flame the guy -- he took the bad health news as an opportunity to slam one and praise another.  It’s bad news no matter who you think is the best candidate.

Many people have endorsed Sanders -- you should probably educate yourself as to why.

Castro for VP would probably be stronger than Beto in Texas and elsewhere.

Absolutely -- how is Warren going to “George McGovern us” when the guy who took the office was (list of 6000-8000 heinous sins).  Democrats are always so afraid that having good positions means we lose the election.  If we win without the right positions this time, Nebraska will be 200 degrees in the Summer instead of

That’s because the time to be critical is during the primaries.  If Sanders wins Iowa expect there to be a lot of he’s not a Democrat/he’s never accomplished anything/minorities don’t like him/But what about the sexist bros?! comments across social media.

It’s not the SUV’s and the plastic water bottles -- that is a right wing scolding that has little to do with the need for sweeping political change.

How on earth is that entirely foolish contributor, GiveItToMe not forever consigned to the gray area?  I read those words and temporarily lost seven IQ points.

The point of the article is that 17 year old kids could go to prison for holding e-cigarettes.  This should never have come to pass.

They can work on state law — in the meantime the city should put up statues honoring those real heroes Nat Turner and John Brown -- all over town -- and call them war memorials so they can’t be moved.

Why recycle a column from two years ago about what is coming up on Netflix?