
Took you two years to get it huh?

Though I admire the space manouvers in Galactica. No flying like an airplane.

Sea-crab in brazilian portuguese.

Nah, I think they are aware of it, it's just no director wants to add the delay it would cause to the scene. Besides, if it was up to me, I'd have them start by stating who they are calling, and bypassing the from part, since the computer can figure that out for them. Now, back to finding a star trek shirt for

It's all because Steve Jobs clicked his mouse with the middle finger... (not the middle button, since apple mice don't have it).

You can rely on the iphones not to actually make a phone call, but instead to be used to annoy other people.

But Star Trek communications had to use 'time-travel' or mind-reading, because if you pay attention, they would get connected to the correct destination as soon as they started saying 'Captain Picard to bridge'...

Just counting down to when the first fanboy will get killed for being too obnoxious in the train...

When the baby is floating in the womb, it's still under the force of gravity. Astronauts exposed to lengthy stays in zero-g lose bone mass and have muscle problems. But I'm volunteering to help solve this problem anyway.

Don't know about other phones, but windows phones with the latest mango updates do it right off-the-box. Bing visual search reads QR, barcodes, or even the plain cover of a book.

Don't get too disappointed. Many deals require you to stand in line in the cold overnight, and sometimes you don't even get what you wanted. Now I mostly try to get the online deals.

Windows phones are already tracked by windows live - it's not dependent on OS version, it's just a feature of the site.

I wouldn't classify Taiwan as poor exactly. And let's be honest, it's mostly rich countries who don't care about ecological consequences (do I need to mention names?).

One small correction: you don't even need to hit the WIN key to search, just start typing anywhere in the metro interface

THis is a 'developer' release, so unless you want to develop, it's a waste of time. Not even all features shown at Build are on this distribution.

Run the windows 7 upgrade advisor, and pay attention to the graphics card section. If you can't run full Aero, forget it.

I didn't know computers had 'tempreture'...

For those who hadn't heard of this before, most libraries already lend e-books, which nook and other readers can access - they are either pdf or epug (or even mp3 audio books). It was only Amazon who was holding back, and finally forced Overdrive (who manages most e-libraries), to start offering their format as well.

I love their hotdogs and their chocolate!

You should not use this as your main OS - it's for dev only, and there's no guarantee your files are going to be safely stored. There are important features not available yet that will probably make it impossible for you to use all your software anyway. Do it at your own risk.