
Please stop spreading this myth. Antivirus software is always recommended. If you decide not to use it, fine, but don't convince others to do the same.

I think that's a really bad idea. The dev preview is not supposed to be used for anything except development (duh). You never know if something will damage a file you desperately need. If you want to 'play' with windows 8, wait till the beta or rc at least.

You made me search for neti pot... Damn you!

They actually show, in the keynote, a silverlight app being 'converted' to work with metro. All XAML is reused.

I still think Bing travel's sliders are easier to filter with. And price predictor is also good if you're flexible. Not impressed.

They actually showed it running on an old netbook. Whether you can imagine or not, it's a reality.

Trust me, you don't want to know...

Won't fly in the business arena? Admins are even having to put up with iPads, which are much more limited. Since the actual interface is an option, this is not an issue. I bet executives who are mostly information consumers anyway will love it.

It's an option, they are not forcing you to use it. Get over it.

This was true until menu options were too many and required multi-levels. Besides, this was a result of a usability study, so users actually created this. As far as cohesion goes, that's exactly what they are doing by bringing the ribbon to all possible programs.

Sadly, that's why you can buy cheap computers, the crapware subsidizes the cost. You can buy enterprise-class pcs with nothing on them, it just costs more.

Is a Mac Court where they deal with the Hamburglar?

Now I can't get that song out of my head...

Duh... didn't realize they meant Sony only. Anyway, I'm happy with my nook touch.

What do you mean by no other reader having wi-fi yet? Both nook and kindle have it (even older models had it).

I just ask the resident racoon...

Lemon grass too - cut a leaf, fold it and put it in - it also smells good.

The unsocial network...

Ours, Kermit the Beagle, (never name your dog for a frog...) was brought home when he was 3 months old - we put some child gates in the kitchen door to keep him there - he jumped over it. We added another one on top of it - he jumped over both. We gave up got him a crate.

I see your point, but you're forgetting the dual-purpose (convertible?) laptops that can flip/rotate to be used as tablets. I'd love a detachable bluetooth screen too, so I could be working in a desk with a full keayboard/monitor(s), and then detach it and go to the couch to surf. I might actually mix both mouse/touch