
OMG no! Last time I had a business dress job I wore suit pants and maxi skirts with those trouser sock things.

Sending warm, healing thoughts.


Yeah, I’m going to the one at SeaTac federal detention center @11am. I think people will turn out here in Seattle but not sure how much anyone in dc cares. We’re just grist for the mockery and blame mill. Now a large turnout in Texas? That would be interesting.

I hope you get an answer to this too. I gave to the Hispanic Federation after Sandy. They check out on Charity Navigator and other non-profit review sites.

OMG, I love being an aunt! It’s the best ever. There are issues I have to deal with because of fucked up family stuff but when it’s just me and the kids it’s amazing!

Ugh! This sounds like something that would happen to me. What if you text her  something straightforward like, dude, WTF, you told me to do this. I didn’t even really want to. What’s this about?

Congrats! So happy for you. 4 years, 15 years, whatever, it’s done!

So many great suggestions here today. Just wanted to say that you are loved and appreciated and most of all not alone. So not alone.

This is a great suggestion.

Please don’t apologize CW. If reporters or kinja issues start to get to you, may I suggest adding a few anti-depressants to the dressing? And you don’t want to cook this on the side, stuffing the child allows the natural juices to take the edges off the side effects. Everything melds together so well!

I know, right? I have been looking for 100% cotton tee shirts in elbow or elbowish length with a v-neck forever in plus size. Extra points if it’s slightly A-line but not required. I stopped being able to get them about 2, maybe 3 years ago. They all have polyester or the neckline is so weirdly wide that my bra straps

Gosh those sleeves are the perfect length. You are going to have clothes that actually fit your body! Yay!

Hallelujah! I have some stuff I’ve just learned to live with because I can’t get the shipping done.

Platitudes are insulting, absolutely. Sometimes it’s just not enough and sometimes I can’t manage to reach out, but remembering to cast a wide net when trying to find my people has gotten me through more than one jam and I think you were just trying to note that.

I have this and it’s awful. My narrowing is right at the esophagus/trachea branch and when the food is stuck, it feels like the slightest wrong move will push it into the tracheal opening.

Thank you for explaining how the colors work to cover the redness. So that’s why I never got good results.

I’m rooting for you!

I love this. Hope you share a pic of the completed artwork.

Wonderful! Any fun and/or caretaking milestone reward thingy on the menu for you? Chocolate cake, brunch at a fancy place, mani/pedi, day trip?