
It feels so good to log in again after all of that time! I’m happy you’re back and excited to read the content. I’ve missed the old Jezebel terribly but never gave up hope. Congrats on the promotion.

An emotional shelter update. My condolences on Bumper. I want to Dakota and Donegal in my living room right now.

Squee! That face. He is cute beyond measure. And that expression! Sure, he’ll stop rolling in dead things when hell freezes over.

Hah, hope your belt survived. Love the treatise on biscuit making.

Yes, for those of us vulnerable. You can have lunch (outside) with a friend. You can touch another person. When I got my flu shot in October I burst into tears because it was the first time anyone had so much as touched my hand since early March. You can go to a physical therapist for a back adjustment. You can be

I feel that almost all states are rural conservative communities surrounding a few liberal cities. It’s the same outside of Seattle and throughout western Washington. The only difference is the size of the city. I am currently freaked out by how conservative California has become. 

But your rights are being denied by gerrymandering. At least in my book. It’s hard as hell to fight though.

I’ve been out of touch for a while. So good to be back and see a Krispy shelter report!

Oh gosh, it’s about time! Congratulations!

Not at all. I’m relieved but it’s hard to grapple with the welcome that fascism got in this country by so many. Lots of work to do.

Funny you should mention that, on my block I am one of the two neighbors that are most vigilant and I went out to get stuff for the garden this weekend. I am afraid of the food infrastructure breaking down, or more likely, just having glitches, late summer and again next winter.

Awesome catstravaganza! Those kittens! Hope next week is better for you.

LOL, 95.2! I bet they gave you side-eye. Stay healthy, my friend.

Sounds fun! Hope you send a pic of the side or back of your head when it’s finished.

Good to hear about your 60K. My normal temp never hits 97. I range between 96.5 and 96.8. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll get into trouble one of these days with a sickness gauged by fever. I’ve noticed a lot of articles out there noting that 98.6 is no longer the normal for anyone, though.

Right? That was killing me. Won’t someone please think of the flooring?

Yep. (bumps fist)

Conjoined duplex with one or two shared spaces. You’re welcome.

Rough. Wishing you a better middle and end to the visit than it started.

Hi Springboard, I am using the extra time off to declutter too. Hope it goes well. I started my bedroom a couple weeks ago and abandoned it, so that’s where I’m starting tomorrow morning.