
If Jezebel isn’t getting enough comments on this, I assure you, it’s because we’re all exhausted with this piece of shit NEVER paying the price for his nonsense. It seems like no amount of outrage will change the fact that he’s still free and has supporters.

This is the type of reporting that you just cannot find anywhere else. I find this information so invaluable, the possible loss of this site sparked severe depression. Welcome back, excellent reporting, Kylie. Thank you all for adding so much to the lives of the nameless women of this country.

Firstly what is Jezebel doing re SNS? Are they going to be every week again or seeing as none of you seem to care once in a blue moon ?

any slight that person does towards you means everything, and so you should cut that person out of your life for it

Na, I’m not getting pumped full of pain killers to play on a bad ankle to benefit billionaire team owners. The coach and the staff can go fuck themselves. That’s also not to say AB isn’t a difficult asshole himself.

So much for Cuffe-ing Season.

You’ve been a great addition to the site. I’ll miss your writing!

Just another notch down the “Full Dystopian” nightmare that is the US that would seem ‘far fetched’ if someone had written a story this in it.

Those action forms always land better if you edit the text anyway, because the processing software will record them as a unique entry rather than count them as one of a form letter. If you’re going to do them, always change the text.

Kamala Harris holds the highest office a woman has ever held in the history of this country. She has been in France (a major ally) all week engaging with Macron, one of the most powerful persons in the world. She addressed climate change, economic inequality, violence against women, election security and smoothed over

At this point, I am sure someone would want to try to overturn Loving V. Virginia(1968) in Texas

So, this week was dedicated towards making my apartment a livable space, somewhere I’m not embarrassed to have my girlfriend over. So begs the question; How do you make a place of abuse livable? And the answer was, throw everything out. I’ve thrown out almost thirty full trash bags of pre-transition clothing, photo

My mental health lately has been garbage. Won’t go into details, but there were days when I had to remind myself that I went though something similar before and came out okay, so it was just a matter of taking in deep breaths.

So if you are in the “I think abortion is fine but I want low taxes because we think we make a lot of money” camp, you’ll still vote Republican.

only a scant 20 to 30 percent believed that the landmark abortion rights decision should be overturned

Everyone loves shitting on weddings because they’re so closely tied with feminity. Much like everything else tied to women, we are set up to fail.

At a certain point we have to understand that by their inaction they are complicit. The Democratic electorate do not represent their constituencies.

I shut myself off emotionally and sexually at about seventeen because of anxieties about intimacy and lowering my guard. I spend most days in a dreary malaise haunted by pangs of aimless lust, permanently hounded by loneliness and prone to binge-eating and lethargy that exacerbates my perpetual body image spiral.