Wow, what a great post. So glad to hear her progress and even a graduation date!!!! You must be exhausted but happy. It has been a hard road for you two.
Wow, what a great post. So glad to hear her progress and even a graduation date!!!! You must be exhausted but happy. It has been a hard road for you two.
Yay! So happy for you!
Gorgeous pics! So glad you checked in, I wondered about you two. Sounds like you’re having a truly awful time and I’m sorry to hear it.
Wow, these are gorgeous! I want some. I have a cousin that bakes all the time and would go to town with these. I’m thinking Christmas Gift. Thanks!!
Yeah, this is what I call anti-support. Friends and family that essentially ask you to, “think of the poor ____(fill in the blank with bully of your choice), imagine how badly they feel about themselves to treat you this way.”
Thank you. I will now have less despair and frustration knowing this.
I have no kids because I knew it would be bad for both parties. In my book, any parent who doesn’t leave their infant in the forest at birth is a hero. You’re doing great and I’m so sorry it’s been rough.
Ugh! Awful. How are you now? Hope it was a one-off and not stomach flu or food poisoning (although that would explain it at least).
Cool, hope you’ll post pics of the results.
Gorgeous! Congrats! So happy for you Pie-pie.
Yes and I love it!
Sending internet hugs to you. Doing things alone can be hard - props to you for getting out there. Enjoy the movie.
You could be me, wow that first paragraph really hit me. You are not alone! That said, it really helps to have in-the-flesh friends.
Yep, I agree. And following that logic, if a man tries to pressure a woman into having an abortion, that’s attempted murder. Funny how none of these conservatives ever mention that point.
So sorry to hear that.
BPTrollop, you are living your best life! I wanna be you.
I was just abiut to post this same thing! Mine was not a pic though, so thanks for this!
When I a that stressed out, I don’t even try to do the thing that is stressing me out for a few days. If I try, I will stress and procrastinate in front of it wasting my time.
I played this game with a friend of mine and she was into an Ocean’s 11 type high-profile crime with lots of planning and exacting execution. I’m like, nope, straight-up murder. Simple and brutal.
I’m going to second everyone who’s recommending the 401k to get to the employer match, assuming there is one. And seconding Zoe about spending some of it, see a show or do a spa day or whatever appeals.