
I was dismayed at the lukewarm reviews. But you made me feel better and if it’s not sold out at my local, I’ll try to see it tonight.

I am severely allergic to cats and I could not help but have a huge, cathartic laugh at this. It had to be awful for you. I once had a serious asthma attack with at a new (but not first sex/sleep date) guy’s house from falling asleep under his wool blanket. It was hidden between layers.

Finally, we’re back to the good, old days! Don’t forget to add emergency drills in schools to that list. /s

Welp, here’s another devastating, infuriating Monday.

Congrats! What a huge accomplishment. I’m so happy for you to be in your own place and start your job. Sending all the internet support!

Congrats! She is gorgeous. Love that she’s being a good baby for you.

The eyebrow game is strong with this one. So glad to see the update, yay, Catalina! What a happy, gorgeous girl!

Ugh, in starring your comments, I accidentally starred one of Yoder123's comments. At least I’m gray too and can’t bring it out of the grays myself. Anyway, apologies to you and Monique and, well, apologies all around.

Ugh sorry.

Interesting. Thanks! Here’s hoping I never need that advice.

I am so fucking sick of this. This cycle’s been going on for decades, they run a bullshit racist ad, it blows up, they pull it or it just dies out, then they wait a while and rinse and repeat.

I always wondered about this. 90% of my wardrobe is all cotton and I don’t even use the dryer except for underwear. High heat would take two sizes off.

Super heavy flow weighing in here. I switched to GladRags cloth pads and ob tampons back in ‘93 or ‘94 to eliminate waste. I could easily go through 12-20 tampons per month while using the pads at night plus some evenings and weekend days. So, yeah, it can get expensive for us unless we go with less modern options.

Other commenters hit all the good points but I wanted to say that twenty pounds is awesome! Your body may need more adjustment time. I think our societal expectations of how fast/easily a person, especially a woman, can lose weight is not realistic. Plus everyone’s different, of course.

Omg thank you for the Marzipan update. I might live. I have to dig deep for my ancestral stoicism to survive barfbags this mortifying.

Right? There are so many factors and checkpoints. How does she pull this off?

Oh, yeah, same story here. When I was working for smaller non-profits the successes, rewards, and promotions aligned with my most invested work that served my customers best. Now that I’m in a more corporate setting, sometimes that happens but more often the opposite is true where the reward is for serving


I started taking the top sheet off my bed when I was a little kid. It twisted around me and drove me crazy so I’ve basically never slept with one, exceptions for hotels and new relationships.

So glad you made it through! Looks like you’ve got a good support group you can reach out to. Sending warm thoughts for the coming week and hope it’s better.