Did that make sense? I had three drinks over the evening with friends which is rare for me.
Did that make sense? I had three drinks over the evening with friends which is rare for me.
Are you me? I think you are and we somehow psychically split.
People need a minute to get over the shock and horror. This is why Grimm’s Fairy Tale and the like exist, to prepare young us for the awfulness of us. I guess we forgot.
I think it’s becoming clear what kind of damage a sexist and predatory culture does when even the heretofore best of us feels like they can just take what they want without consent or dominate another person to gratify themselves.
Yes! I also get nervous if I miss a step, like leaving a match on the sink awhile before tossing. I always check the door after locking it before I leave the house as though the locking action somehow didn’t work. My favorite is checking the lock on the door on the inside before I go to bed, touching it of course, not…
I do this everytime I leave the house. And with the matches. And with my elderly bathroom fan. It irritates the hell out of some if my friends. Now I know I’m in good company.
Wow, you articulated that particular flavor of uck well. I feel you and am sending internet hugs.
I love Bill Nighy, but I never heard of this. Will watch.
I loved Bates Motel! Vera Farmiga fucking rocks that gothic, tragic, femme-fatal character. She deserves all the awards, every one of them. And the whole cast is so good. The writing and direction are good and stay true to the style. The updating works like gangbusters. There’s some absurdity but it works as humor and…
Ha, yeah, ‘61 here. I don’t want my nieces to see any of the crap we loved in our childhoods, at least until they are seeing it in a women’s studies class.
I need a new car and I am dreading it! Congrats that you got it done.
I keep meaning to sign up. Maybe I’ll do that right now.
I miss an SNS now and then but I’ve been following the BF comments and I am in awe of your perseverance. You are amazing and I hope you find something, even if it’s as simple as a hot bath, do to for yourself during these episodes.
Poor puppy. Must be hard to adjust to the new environment. I’m just so excited to see her home! YAY for all of you!
Hahaha, that would have been great but i don’t think they would have let a real one into the bar. Or allowed me to leave her on a table during karaoke. And the bad mom jokes wouldn’t have been as funny if CPS had been called. It was a baby doll swaddled it a white pillowsham pretending to be a baby blanket.
But yes, absolutely, to what you are saying! They are alternately fucking the poor and middle class with these bills. As per usual.
Those blue collar, union (or not) jobs don’t have a pension. Pensions have been dead for 20 years, with handful of exceptions. Those jobs have 401ks.
Yes, and I believe it should go even farther and include right to death with dignity laws, which are not divided on sex/gender lines. All wrapped up in one. So that all adults have full bodily autonomy.
Starred for jagoff.
OMG, Catalina is home! I must have missed an SNS comment or two somewhere. Congrats!