I hate mornings. I feel like shit until about 11am no matter when I get up or what irritating sleep hygiene thing I try. I support you. You are not responsible for his happiness or need to be validated in the morning or anytime.
I hate mornings. I feel like shit until about 11am no matter when I get up or what irritating sleep hygiene thing I try. I support you. You are not responsible for his happiness or need to be validated in the morning or anytime.
Yeah, now I’m not even getting notifications but I hope that’s my phone.
You’re right, of course. I don’t know what it would take to get some political will behind it at this point.
Love it.
Hahaha, it was a good time. My patriarchy baby even had fun.
Thank you!
Enough already! Even if he was the most attractive man on earth it would be just as grievous to invite them into the shower in that context! His attractiveness has no bearing.
Yeah, I noticed this too. Not a good sign.
There was an effort to pressure Obama to grant PR statehood before he left office. I could see then how difficult it would have been politically. But I was disappointed he didn’t even start the conversation.
Wait, what? Lupus and might have five years to live? (I may have replied above to the wrong message.) That sounds devastating. What’s the “might” part? More testing and assessments? Sending strength and healing.
Jezzies, I need some quick off-topic help! I need Handmaid’s Tale catch-phrases.
Yes! Sob....
Hello and Happy Birthday!!!! I just checked and I’ve been here since early 2011 but only the last two years under this burner.
OMG, Shrayber and Raindi and Tina and Butters and Dodai (sob) and Lindy. I’m not crying YOU’RE CRYING.
Ha, maybe that’s my problem. My use of “LOL” may have given me away!
Smart. I never catch the articles early and tend to respond instead of proactively comment. I will try to change my lazy ways.
I want to play! Can I be ungrayed? I’ve been around for five or six years but only the last two with this burner.
Soooooooooo jelly!
Wish I’d had. I can’t make subjects, objects and verbs agree on evenings when I haven’t slept in three days.
I wish I had the money? balls? something to have walked away from normalcy after the election. Just not go to work and refuse to pretend like the world wasn’t burning.