Yes. I cover myself with a dishtowel as a napkin. Sometimes two.
Yes. I cover myself with a dishtowel as a napkin. Sometimes two.
Maybe you’re the undead. Are you eating brains right now? Alone?
I can’t even look at this. And yet I can see the appeal to our new, ogre overlords. They don’t want to look at our stoicism when they could have lightheated perma-almost-smile.
I love you.
You are a rock star!
Thanks for this information. You totally rock!
Great news about your new therapist and the swim team. I’m now doubly inspired between you and Tampa to get back to therapy.
OMG! OMG! OMG! Fangirling... Amazing pics! wonderful for everyone!
That’s a good teenager.
Yay for you! This is all so great. I’m so glad you’re back. You are inspiring me to go back to therapy. I am overdue and side-eyed online options when I first heard of them a couple of years ago. I want to give that a try nw.
And you - you have a really good point too but I forgot to include you in the list when I replied, making my reply seem like a refutation of your point. Time for bed!
Ten, TNRenard, and Tabby all have really good points. I’m 55 now and have been saving extra to make up for not having any money through my 20s and 30s. I have not had good balance and really feel like I have and am missing out on travel and other things, like making my house more comfortable. I’ve turned down long…
Hahaha! I’m starting to see your husband’s point.
I love that movie!
You could wait until a bad storm comes and then watch. Try to convince him that the causation goes the other way.
Yep! The more you know....
I would give you a star but I’m anti-matter and it takes one away.
This is most conversations with my sister, casual phone call or holiday meal. It cannot go unsaid. From the late 1960s through (I’m assumming) death.