Gosh, I miss that old group.
Gosh, I miss that old group.
Yeah, this! Me too. I want to play!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and Poodletime and a host of others that regularly promote my permagrey comments. I really appreciate it!
OMG I loved that movie! I love Sam Raimi. Please sweet, Christmas baby Jesus, let him not be a creep.
That’s awful. So sorry you went through it.
Fuck. I got nothing else. Except I hope you laughed at him (without being choked for it, of course).
Eek! Run away, it’s a nightmare! So glad you did.
LOL, that’s my whole life! There’s only one way to be a woman, don’tcha know, and I am not doing it properly.
What?!?!?!? I missed this earlier. I am so sorry for your loss. They must be bereft. And it just sucks to lose photos and letters. Stay safe.
I am! I am! This summer in Seattle meant struggling with heavy smoke for roughly five weeks. One does miss oxygen after a while. It’s quite nice to have it and the rain back. Wish I could send you some.
One more, since you said eczema. If things get really bad with my hands, I get the cetaphil moisturizer cream for eczema. It’s more expensive but it’s a miracle.
Kiss My Face pure olive oil soap. Not tested on animals, unscented, fragrance-free. I’vebeen using it on face and body for 20 years. Three ingredients: saponated olive oil, water, sodium cloride (a salt). For face & body moisurizer I use Cerave cream in the jar. That’s about it. So cheap and easy and no reaction. For…
I’m forever in the greys and am consistently lifted out. I’m so grateful and don’t say thank you nearly enough. I hope to pass on the favor one day. The commentariat here is stellar indeed!
Hahahaha...these days I may be just as likely to get a job rejection for no makeup but my current friends would defend me to the death in the bar afterward, makeup and no makeup wearers alike. Not so much back then.
WTF????? Fuck these people. I hate nazis with the power of a thousand suns.
Yay for your first post! That’s some olympic level lurking. I’m sorry you have to stress bout this and I’d go for contacting CPS and keeping a layer between you and that level of physical violence.
Great idea!
Gosh, you said this so well. I appreciate them too and want everyone to feel welcome, since it’s one of the very few places I feel welcome. And yet I really noticed the change over the past year.