That just broke my heart. Oh, that’s awful. I envision the two of you having sushi for dinner every night and then walking around town with him in his renaissance outfit or a tux and top hat, having the time of your lives for however long you have.
That just broke my heart. Oh, that’s awful. I envision the two of you having sushi for dinner every night and then walking around town with him in his renaissance outfit or a tux and top hat, having the time of your lives for however long you have.
You and your cat are glorious and hilarious and I love you both.
That’s too bad. But he is wrong. Animals need a voice and people asking questions of things don’t seem right.
Yeah, I worry about this. Could be a sign of a bigger issue. When the Seattle Animal Shelter was not handling certain issues well back in the late 90s and early 00s, we made a lot of noise and it made a difference.
Amy is such a good caretaker! Look at her face, “I got this.”
Interesting. I have never done that. I did bouldering for a while and that was good. Weight lifting is everywhere, so that’s worth a shot.
P.S. Thanks for this and the tips comment too. I love coming to SNS and finding group therapy for some eccenticity or problem.
:) Are you me? I’m I talking to myself again?
I am so glad for you! I’ve been on and off therapy a lot of years over my adult life and I am pretty happy with who I am and I’m too old to care what anyone thinks anymore. When this first got so weird, my doctor and therapist and I tried me on a couple of drugs and I couldn’t tolerate the side effects. I am such a…
This has been a problem for me with perimenopause. Well, actually all my life, but before the anxiety was manageable and more emotional or feeling based. Now I have two issues: this above, exactly what you stated, and the second - crippling physical anxiety symptoms that come out of nowhere without a discernable…
I liked what you said but that’s a great idea, just tell them, hey fuckers, I’ve been canvassing at every opportunity since last September and this will make me quit the party.
LOL. I should post, “Only 45 days until the mix of summer heat and my pre-menopause breaks! Can’t wait to celebrate!”
I agree completely. Losing the election to trump was a harsh, absurdist nightmare, but I think we need to adjust messaging, get more voters to the pols, and do a little more campaigning in certain areas. Not change our whole platform, ffs.
Do you have any money now? Can you do now or plan something for the future to celebrate the marriage and all those years of waiting? It’s not too late to have a reception or honeymoon. It would be fun and might take the edge off any growing bitterness.
That sounds awful, but the way you write about it is hilarious.
Yes, and the Blue Angels have been dive-bombing my house all week. Feels like end times.
I like it, very natural looking. Hard to say about looking dated. Has an outdoor sauna shower kind of vibe to me and I don’t think that changes much?
I love seeing your art each sns.
Please send the rain here to Seattle, we’re in opposite-land and it’s way too hot and dry.
Yes, I’m with you. if we can’t turn this around it will be the thing that makes me leave the dem party. I just did canvassing for wa dem in Seattle last week before a local election.