I don’t even know what to say. Inspiring...you are awesome! So many strong woman stories here, strong people stories. I love the SNS community.
I don’t even know what to say. Inspiring...you are awesome! So many strong woman stories here, strong people stories. I love the SNS community.
You’re killing me with this today.
Wow that’s awful. So glad you had the fortitude to make it out if there.
Yay! So happy for you!
I love it! And so versatile.
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! No!
Oh, fuck, no! I am visiting family in Florida and can’t sleep until I check the whole hotel room for snakes. I get down on the floor with my phone flashlight and carefully check under the bed flounce, behind the entertainment unit, under the air conditioning unit, etc.
I love kids like that in stores, I always say hi. It cracks me up when kids that age get free in stores and just take off. Where are they going? Nowhere! They’re just freeeeeeeeeeee! All brain cells focused on flight and none on coordination or planning. Not so fun for the parents.
This is the best thing I have ever read. I love your kid.
So glad you posted and I hope to see more of you. Ex-Pittsburgher sending warm thoughts from Seattle.
Sense8 was cancelled? How can that be? It’s beloved. Now I have to go look that up and check the ratings.
I feel you. Internet hugs (if consentual).
I wish you all the best! That’s so hard to do.
I needed a new recommendation, thanks for this.
Ya, good thread. Hope you get better soon. I’ve been sick a lot this year and I really need to look at how my mental and emotional state is contributing to that, too.
This is hideous.
Wow, really well laid out. I certainly get the concept of keeping us poor and without options and followed that out to its logical conclusion, but never really followed the opposite out. Such good points. I’m ready to live there now!
Thank you! I really appreciate the help.
This whole thread has been a little heartbreaking. I hope you are taking the advice here to take care of yourself, not just your daughter. And collect Dad jokes.
Wait, there’s a way to easily find the original post that someone is responding too? I didn’t even know you could ask a question to the kinja crew. But I’ve been struggling for years - anytime I see a comment and I want to see the original post, I scroll up sometimes dozens and even hundreds of comments (on SNS) to…