I love her! She is ready for her new life to begin!
I hope I have pants on in this scenario because I wouldn’t even take the time to dress.
That brings back memories. I lived there six years and nighttime driving could be enchanting or terrifying, depending on the night.
You’re on fire today.
Just want to acknowledge my privilege here - I had no kids or other dependents at the time. If I had had those responsibilites, or was a WOC, it would have been exponentially harder and maybe I wouldn’t have made it at all.
I did this! I spent my 20s and early 30s doing live theatre: stage mgmt, tech, lighting design all over the east coast then Seattle. It was great and completely financially untenable. I was barely surviving and then got burned out.
Yes, and next time I’m going to let it go faster. All these great comments I’m reading are inspiring.
Yes! I did that same 4th grade report and she became my heroine for life! Can’t wait for this.
Yeah, this. I spent my 30s and early 40s taking wildly divergent classes that interested me (coding, calligraphy, poetry, languages, personal finance and investing, yoga, general and specifc tech) and joining groups (hiking, community chorus) and they were always filled with women. Sometimes a stray man would show,…
I call this anti-support. So much worse than no support at all.
Well done! Now I really want to go to Slovenia.
I love this analogy.
Condolences. I’m so sorry.
Hope it works out for you crazy kids!
Ding, ding, ding! I was just going to suggest this. Event dates like hikes, first Thursday or third Sunday Gallery Walks, farmers markets. Shorter, easier event dates, not scaling Mt. Everest kind of hikes.
Thanks! That is very helpful information.
Hello, what was the name of the company that administered this two day workshop? And can you talk more about your personal outcome? Did you learn you anything you didn’t already know about yourself? Did you get new career ideas?
Yes, all of this. I despise trump but I also hate the mocking of trump’s hands size - the one thing he has absolutely no control over.
Yes, this.