
I wouldn’t call serums and toners makeup but tanners and tinted moisturizes are. And I don’t want to police her face, whoever said that. But I agree with you in that I want to police the dichotomy between her words and actions. This conversation is really distressing.

I don’t think people are splitting hairs to catch her. I support women at any level of makeup wearing or none and hate that thise choices affect job opportunities, options for dating, social interaction.

Yes, this is what bugs me.

I don’t understand this. I don’t know anything about these two people and she can wear what she likes. But how does “no makeup” = some makeup. To me tinted moisturizer, matifier, brow tint, etc. is all makeup.

Thanks! I just started checking out Jalopnik. I’ll look into these.

Thanks! I’m going to check out the CR-V and HR-V. I’m thinking they may have discontinued the CR-V but they may be available used.

My mechanic recommended the Toyota line for longevity but they didn’t feel good at all, the interior design is uncomfortable. I think you are right about the Kia and Hyundai, my friends are buying those.

That is the kind of low maintenance I’m looking for. I’ll check this out too. Thanks!

Thanks! I’ll check these out. I sat in the HR-V but didn’t drive it. I was burnt out by then. The Niro sounds good too.

Yes, you are me and I am you! While test driving today I was worried mine was feeling betrayed. Seeing yours totaled had to really suck. :(

Awful. I’m so sorry to hear it. I hope you are taking care of yourself during this time, even if it’s just something little.

Car thread! My 1995 Honda Civic (basic model) has been a trouper but I’m getting old and it’s too low to the ground, I can barely get in and out. Plus, the defrost is terrible and it is cold and rainy here a lot. I have no a/c. So I went to consumer reports (they road test for actual mpg, not the advertised mpg),

All good and warm thoughts to you. Let us know how the search goes. If you want resume proofed, let me know, I’m pretty good at that. 


Yep, what you said, “...c) hung up on someone else...” was the first thing that popped into my head. Sorry Marillenbaum, that really sucks.

I hope there’s a light cotton or linen version for us perimenopausal protesters.

More John Cho! Shut up and take my money!!!!

We’ve had this conversation a dozen times over the years. Not what to call ourselves as a group, but what to use universally. I think we (America, not my poker group) need a spiffy, brand-spankin’ new term to replace “guys” that is unisex.

Sometimes we call ourselves“dames” and then laugh. Sometimes it’s “broads” but we resemble that remark. We’re usually on a sugar high by then.

OMG, I can’t believe I put an apostrophe in gals above when it’s the plural not possessive above. Guess it’s bedtime.