
Maybe I’ll go back to yinz, I’m from Pittsburgh originally.

I use this automatically but people call me on it like it’s a male term even though I think of it as unisex too. 

Now I’m completely nonplussed since my whole poker group (all women) uses gals. I’ve never thought of it as patronizing. We all agreed that we hate “ladies” and that “females” as a noun is like biting tin foil.

I’m 55 and I’ve used it specifically for this purpose if a woman objects to my usage of “guys” which is my go-to term for any group. I always thought it was a good casual term for the more formal woman, such as “c’mon gal’s we’re going to be late if we don’t get moving.”

Yeah, he got me with that. I was holding out hope but even before the reveal there were some signs. Now I want to go see it again.

I got this! Geek Love

To me, that was the significance of the girlfriend being a willing participant and not ignorant or hypnotized. There were literally no white allies.

Sorry about the grammar and comma atrocities on that comment. I hope it makes sense.

Yes, I am feeling that way. It’s really hard for me to just let it go for periods of time so I feel you. All of my friends, some of whom are POC and almost all of whom are LGBTQIA, are handling it with an attitude of: pick one thing, do it and then have fun, live your life. I am trying to change my frame of mind but

Jackie Chan looks amazing! Gorgeous! It doesn’t looks like he’s had any work done and I love to see that. (I could be fooled, I’m bad at spotting it.)

I loved Frailty but didn’t realize he directed it. Damn.

That would be so cool to see it staged!

I forgot about these. I love them.

So painful to pick five, I might need 100 favorite films leeway. I love four of yours (not a scarface fan) but of the ones I haven’t seen yet in this thread, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Piano, Dog Day Afternoon, Wings of Desire (I know, so slow), Alien, Herzog’s Nosferatu, Attack the Block, Ink, When We Were Kings...I’m bad

I just read this whole thread and I don’t post much so y’all probably don’t know me but I love all of you so much. It has been anxiety month and I am eating green tea ice cream (uh-oh scary dairy) and so happy, happy, happy to be here and so grateful for this space!

I’m on the train home from his show now. So glad I went!

Well, no question that dumping him was a good idea. There’s a silver lining. No second guessing needed here.

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Karmic retribution for breaking up???? Wow. OKAY!

I fucking love this. OKAY! YOU BET!