I want to come too!
I want to come too!
The whole point is not to fight in public. There’s a big difference between silent treatment and being too angry to chitchat so holding off for a private fight. If she was just irritated then this wouldn’t have happened. She was enraged.
I’m right here! Two left...
Yep, really happy with Murray right now.
I love you so much.
Gorgeous! Love you back.
I have six more presents to wrap. I can’t force myself to do it. Aaarrrgg to self, get off the sofa!
Congrats! I bought a ham. Sounds weird but I don’t eat much meat and I haven’t had ham in about 6 years. I was at the market and it’s a Beelers humanely raised, uncured, bone in. In the package it looked perfect, just perfect, like my mother used to bake. It was $36.00, not even kidding. I was scared on the way home -…
That is heartbreaking, so awful. I’m sorry. If you start to cry and your husband unloads, it’s okay.
Put these in my mouth!
Amazing. You are amazing. Have a wonderful holiday.
I just finished Peakey Blinders and loved it.
Yay! Two days in a row of good news!
Understood. Wishing you the best of luck. Keep us informed!
Ugh, sounds awful. I’ve worked for non-profits all my life and some can be the worst, wringing all the life out of people in the name of the mission. Warm thoughts and hugs to you.
I really appreciate that you describing and naming this awful feeling and the thoughts from the other two posters as well. I am famliar with it as well, that mourning.
You could just buy gift cards all around then smile and refuse to engage if anyone has an issue. My sister did this with her husband’s family a few years ago and now it’s an accepted tradition, even though they are the odd ones out.
So sorry to hear that. Sounds like you’re taking quick action with the hold on student loans and filing for unemployment. It worries me that you need to end your lease and potentially move out-of-town quickly - that seems drastic. Is there no way to bridge the gap if you are out of work for 3-5 months? Will the…
Hello all, I am seeking ideas. I usually go cross-country for Christmas to see family, but this year is weird, so it’s not happening. I had two different sets of plans to travel and they both fell through. So now I have 10 days off and I’ve got nothing.
I’m so sorry, that sounds awful. I will send you warm thoughts. Hope you are finding some little ways to take care of yourself.