
As the sweep took place the WWE employee was accidentally bit by the canine.

Barry, that can’t be Ichiro - Ichiro doesn’t have a mustache.

“MLB, you’d better not do that to Ichiro; don’t be cops.”

At least someone is speaking up for the real casualties of this atrocity, New England fans and their endless sense of victimization.

Argentina still can’t beat an island of fishermen & farmers.

agreeing to pay $21.7 million, or approximately €18.7 million

I guess Yankees fans are good now.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Keeping your keys in car is a smart move. Nothing kills a party like some bartender confiscating them because youve had like 15 drinks or whatever

The way he grabbed those students were very unnecessary and unprofessional.

Would a bread bowl be considered a soup sandwich......?

It’s exactly these kinds of shenanigans that keep me from competing in Ironman events. That and a life of slothful lethargy and general ill health due to poor diet, plethoric bong hits and excessive alcohol intake. 

Mitch Hedberg already answered this.

Firstly, your belongings don’t magically become off-limits to the police when you die.

Secondly, since the deceased was killed by police during a traffic stop, obviously the police would already have his phone.

Now a thinking person might wonder whether the detectives were just trying to find evidence to make their’s fucking Rob Delaney!

, Francois has to do ... “avoid any criminal activity for a period of anywhere from three months to a year”

I feel bad for Khloe but...

Get out.

Why aren’t news stories in the US introduced by a cute cartoon kittie? This country sucks ass.

Oh come on, next you’re going to be claiming comprehensive sex education lowers teen pregnancy rates.