
Fuck Jim Spanfeller, who is a herb

This is the gritty reboot of Jaguars Junction that I didn’t know I needed.

If they go 0-16, Dolphins players who make it through this season will henceforth drink champagne every time all other teams have won at least one game.  Sports writers will make a big deal about how cute this is.

I know who took it...

He didn’t even have to stand up to his boss, though.

I support Kenny; I support the player protests. Quite honestly, they’re bringing attention to my story. So, let’s talk about that. I’m the son of immigrants, I’m black, I grew up poor.

I don’t get shame from questioning that number. I just don’t understand it. I’d wager the majority of adult men could identify her by sight and know her name. For her fame and popularity, the women deserves a tremendously larger amount of money.

Yeah, Mark Ruffalo should have to bulk up to 1400 lbs.

“And Suzy died so bravely, filming the very tsunami that took her from us”

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”


Buyers should beware that none of the thermal exhaust ports have any kind of protective screen.

Nah, having a politician’s son with no expertise in literally anything other than being an entitled, out of touch dipshit is waaaay better. It’s more American, at least.

They should start calling it “lactosing the intolerant”.

His comment is too busy whipping the llama’s ass to answer you.  

Not a real dog.

Da, Bailey is poor tovarisch canine. He represent cushy bourgeois lifestyle of West. Laika only proletarian good boy.

I remember when flash first CAME to YTMND. It was rolled out as a way to make the overcomplicated sites that relied on sync between the .gif in the background and the audio work, before that you had to hit refresh after the site was done loading to sync it up. It had a big roll-out announcement with the Queen Flash

I don’t know. I’m a huge fan of Gase in New York